

  • Hi :) I have also been here for a couple weeks and don't know that many people. I have been reading the forum and everyone seems so nice and supportive of everyone. I think it would also be nice to have some motivation so I am IN !!!!! I have so far lost a couple pounds in the last couple weeks..... but also think I should…
  • Hi :) My husband and I love to buy these (and get them on regular basis): broccoli rabe (there are some great very low cal recipes out there) organic brown rice Ak-Mak crackers (these are good - if I am really in the mood for something bad, I have 5 of these (they are very big each and only 115 cal. for all 5) with some…
  • Thank you for that info. I heard some of that info before also :) I used to drink more tea but don't anymore. Do you think drinking it helps you with losing weight?
  • Has anyone out there heard anything about this Wu-Yi tea that helps you lose weight? They claim that if you drink this, it helps you lose weight and there are success stories that claim they lost 44 pounds in just 4 months or something like that! I was just on their website and was wondering what everyone thinks about…
  • The problem with me going to the gym is that I keep thinking I am too fat to go there?!!!! I would like to go more, and even during lunchtime, but there are more people there at that time, so I don't go :( Do you ever think that way or is it just me? I mean, I know that gym is for people losing weight, but I feel everyone…
  • That was very interesting and easy to remember! Thank you for posting this!!!!!!!:smile:
  • Hi guys! I am new here on the site.... well, just joined a couple of weeks ago and am totally addicted already :love: I am desperately trying to lose some weight. I have never been big - throughout my whole life I ate what I wanted and never had to step foot in the gym. But then, somewhere between college dorm food (which…
  • I just started on this site yesterday but am already feeling so much support that I am sure you will be back to your goal in no time! :)
  • That is so cruel!!!!!! I am sure there was no need for something like this! I myself have 2 dogs that we adopted and 1 dog that lives with my parents. I love dogs!!!! I will keep your dog in my thoughts and hope that all goes well with it and there is no infection... :flowerforyou:
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