Kdoran73 Member


  • Great advise, Listen to Hroush. You need to do both. also check out musclefitness.com.
  • If you're hungy eat protein before bed. Remember, it doesn't turn to fat. If you're not hungry don't worry about it.
  • Hello, yes it is time consuming. You can write down what you're doing during the day and enter it at night. It a great teaching app.
  • Are you lifting weights also? If not, you need to start added weights. Learn to love squats and Lunges. Jump squats, Jump lunges and step ups. Great for the legs and you will love the results. Remember, it's all about balance. Twice a week try to add the weights in. Skiping a day in between. Good Luck!!!!
  • It's going to take time. Remember it took 9 months to put on the weight. All in due time it will come off, just keep eating right and working out.
  • Hello, What are you doing? As in excersice? Losing weight is 70 percent diet and 30 percent excersice. It will take time to lose the weight so don't get discouraged. Make sure you are doing some form of excersie for 30 Min a day. Eating small meals. Lot's of water. Keep it postive it will come off. Losing weight is a life…
  • Biggest Loser is a good Wii game and doesn't require much space.
  • Recommended Daily Sugar Intake for Women: 20 grams or 5 teaspoons for weight loss.
  • Go for a Run, and Start fresh tomorrow. Just because you had a bad day doesn't mean to start throwing up. It's bad for your health. Tomorrow is another day. Run some of those calories off. You will feel better after. Tomorrow is another day, everyone has bad daysl Keep your head up and stay positive. Being Healthy is a…
  • Change is scary. My mother has lost 70 pounds at 62 years old. Losing weight is about life style change. Don't think of it as dieting, think of it as clean eating. Join the gym or just get outside and walk. Losing weight is about balance, healthy eating, and excersice. Pack you meals with you everyday so you won't be…
  • The only reason she is getting defensive is because she is seeing you are working at your goal and you probably look good. Women are funny that way. I tell people when I train them that excersice and diet is about you and noone else. Go about your business and don't worry about what others have to say. Be proud of you…
  • When I eat out and there is no healthy menu. I always go for grilled chicken and veggies. Stay away from the Carbs at night, remember they turn into fat. Or a salad with grilled chicken on it is good to.
    in Eating out Comment by Kdoran73 June 2011