highrise Member


  • I think many people would like the support without having their detailed eating habits scrutinised. In general, I understand that if people want nutrition advice, they'll ask for it - and making their diary public at that stage makes sense. (I've seen a lot of threads on this very subject during my time on MFP, and people…
  • You look amazing, what an achievement - congrats! It's quite difficult to get out of that 'I am overweight' mentality when you've lost weight - I still have it despite having gone from 240lbs to 140 in 10 years. And FWIW, I lost my bust first and was mortified that the weight hadn't come off my butt like I expected it to!…
  • Hey Rebel, As many have said in this thread, 10lbs in a month is brilliant! I know it must seem like a hugely daunting task, but MFP really is the best place to be to help you lose the rest. 12 years ago, I was somewhere in the region of 250lbs; I lost about 60lbs in a year, put some back on then found MFP and am now down…
  • Best advice ever. I'm so sorry to read this, but don't let it push you off track. Hugs xx
  • *low whistle* You look great - many congratulations! I bet your family are incredibly proud :-)
  • I'm 5'10 but small framed so I try to stick around 133 but if I can fit into a UK size 10 pair of jeans then I'm happy.
  • Hi and welcome! I too used to be a goth/crusty/grunge fan but like others here I've toned down my appearance a lot - still like a lot of the music though!
  • My sympathies! I get this too, if I don't build up my distance gradually. Someone on here mentioned getting your gait checked if you suffer hip pain, and also make sure that your shoes support your gait. Hope you're feeling better today.
  • Wow - congratulations, what a fantastic achievement! You look fabulous!
  • Hey there! We are pretty much the same shape, and by the looks of it you - like me - have a shorter torso and longer legs. It is difficult to ignore the 'straight up and down' shape which is so loved in the media, but we need to learn to love our curves which are the envy of posters here! FWIW, I think you look amazing.
  • 5ft 10 and a bit here - weigh just under 130lbs and am a UK size 10 (US size 6). I have a really weird body shape - tiny waist, huge ribcage and wide hips (aka big booty) I didn't mean to drop this low - in a year I've gone from an 'overweight' BMI to teetering just above 'underweight' which is NOT GOOD - but I've had…
  • If you like spicy food, sprinkle some cumin on it first and then fry. Use a couple of drops of olive oil and smear it around the pan; that way you're not drowning the vegetable or piling on the cals but you still get that satisfying fried taste - with a kick.
  • Parents eh? My mum is the same as yours, god love her to pieces, but she is almost 70 and has health problems for the first time in her life so I just nod and smile and let her get it out of her system. Often they just want someone to listen; not to offer solutions, but to make the right noises so that they themselves can…
  • Lots of good advice in there Doug :-) I agree with you re 'snacks' - although I'll take the crisps over the egg salad any day!
  • Ohhh yes me too! Also: Prof Brian Cox, Keith Floyd (when he was alive of course!), Michael Emerson and - when I was younger - Patrick Moore. And I have a girl crush on Sigourney Weaver, Angelina Jolie and Dita von Teese.
  • Agree with the other posters - time, and cardio plus strength training! I used to have bingo wings but with my weight loss they have all but gone.
  • LOL Roy, it's the same for us women :-) You're looking great, so just give it time. Hell, if I was 10 years younger and didn't live in the UK I'd be your plus one to the next wedding! Good luck folks :-)
  • Wowsers - you look fantastic, well done! :happy:
  • Hey there. It's great that you want to deal with this; I know how all-consuming an ED can be, especially at this time of year when it's all about the food. People I've met have dealt with ED in many and varied ways - therapy, mainly, although I was lucky enough that when I moved country and job and had other things to…
  • I'm 5'10 and weigh 136lbs; however although I'm small-framed I have wide shoulders and hips and long legs so at 131 I looked a bit daft (and clothes were baggy around my waist but not on my shoulders/hips, which looked silly) As long as you stick within the 'Normal' BMI then you can please yourself. Good luck!
  • About 180lbs; now at 137 (though I did make it down to 131 before my holidays - and am aiming for that again before the summer) It's been an amazing year - I'm so proud of you all xx
  • I've seen a lot of people recommend increasing your calories, say 100 at a time, and see whether you can maintain - seems sensible. I got from 1200 to 1400 and starting piling on the pounds again, so have cut back down. Damn my metabolism :-(
  • You look great - congratulations!
  • pilotgirl2007 - I think taking OC cuts the risk of *ovarian* cancer. I'd probably take a Vit B complex, if I didn't already take enough vitamins, since B is great for women's health.
  • I really feel for you, Anjy - I'm having the same problem still (having dropped from 180lbs to 133lbs at 5'10) I still look in the mirror and see 'the fat girl'. I think, as a poster above said, your head has to catch up with how you really look. I hope it happens for you soon. You look great, by the way
  • Mmm oatmeal, my favourite subject :-) 1oz decent porridge oats, 150ml semi-skimmed milk. Either soak both together overnight in the fridge or get up a bit earlier. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 mins (less if you've soaked them) Add 1/2 tablespoon of honey and some cold stewed fruit (I like tinned rhubarb - drain off…
  • Aww, well he did you a favour in the end if you're so close to your goal weight! Just because he's eating big macs doesn't mean you have to give in to your cravings, although it is okay to have treats every now and again - just stand your ground!
  • Don't be scared of Level 3 - you can honestly do it! I actually find it easier than Level 2 :)
  • You look great - congrats!
  • Everything always happens at once :( Will your house insurance not cover a new carpet?