amandamurdaugh Member


  • Is it the Coldwater Rumble at Estrella Mountain? If so, my tip is to practice on the course if possible. Good luck either way & have fun!
  • I don't see myself ever not running. If I don't want to, I won't. If I'm injured, I won't. But so far, I've been pretty consistent & I'm going into my 5th year of running.
  • Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!
  • My main reason for having a strava account is to follow "elite" trail runners. I like to know what sort of mileage they are doing, what elevation, incline, etc. I think it's amazing they let us into their training. I have endomondo which I've had for a couple years to compare my own stats and friends stats with. I also…
  • I've had two bouts of shin splints in my four years running. It's the only pain that's ever made me take time off & drastically reduced my pace & mileage. The pain was as you said, there on the inside bone. Took about 6 weeks for it to fully go away. I only stopped running fully for a week. I wore compression socks 24/7. I…
  • New Orleans RnR has been my favorite so far. The first half is a bit crowded & the streets are cracked and nasty. But the second half along Lake Pontchartrain was amazing. Plus, if we're talking about vacation, it's New Orleans!! I suspect NYC this November will be my most favorite though
  • Thank you to everyone for your advice! I bought a gel metatarsal pad that fits on the toe pad. I've worn it for 3 runs now & I'm very happy with no issues. It's amazing. It causes other sensations, but no pain! I think it's similar to the "shim" someone else was suggesting.
  • LOL. I went with the pink DIVA singlet. Not because I'm a diva, not by a long shot. It was closer to purple, my favorite color. I've gotta say, it's the softest material ever. And I love crazy looking cats! I'll eventually get the classic orange as well too, but they are pricey.
  • In a trail race, everyone says good job or some form of encouragement when passing. In a road race, I always think it's funny when people say, "looking strong" when you know you're slogging along at a snails pace at the end of a marathon. But by and large, I think people are just being encouraging. And I appreciate it.
  • I try to remind myself there's and ebb & flow to my emotions during any run or race. During a low or dark time, I remind myself it will go away soon. I try to breathe deep and relax.
  • I'm 5'7". My marathon PR is 3:41, I was 148. My worst was 4:45 at 162. Half PR is 1:43 at 148 lbs, worst is 1:59 at 165 So, yeah, for me weight plays a definite role in slowing me down.
  • Just in the last month, I've been able to run 4 separate sub 7 min miles. That's a personal victory for me.
  • My closest 2 are 13 days apart, both in the 4:30 range. MM #8931
  • I'm currently training for my first 6 hr race. LOL. The options were 6, 12, 24 hrs or 100 miler in 30 hrs or less. I'll be happy with 50k. This race is on a 5k trail loop. Lots of ups & downs, but only 220 ft gain. My intention is to do the 24 hr at Across the Years here in Glendale AZ over New Years 2015. There's many…
  • I'm not trying to nit pick you in any way. I think your goal & reasoning is so admirable. But you said you think you'll be able to run/walk this marathon in 4-6 hours. Yet you said it takes you one hour to run a 5k. That's 3.1 miles in one hour. If you do the math, I think you'll find that you're more apt to finish this…
  • I have 2 in rotation, but 5 pair in all. I like to have the same model waiting & being broken in with walking before I run. Saucony Cohesion for road Excursion TR7 for trail.
  • I have a 13.1 and 26.2 sticker on my car. I also have a sub 4 sticker from for the 3 marathons I've run sub 4 hours. I had to prove I ran it in order for them to give it to me. I thought that was cool. I also have one that says Half Marathon Mom because the half is my favorite fun distance. Like Zakela, I…
  • I have a small 18 lb beagle mix. He's up to 6 miles on the trail. I force him to stick with 10-12 min/mi. Otherwise, he'll burn himself out going too fast. We walk at least 3 miles at a time, twice a week. He also walks with my husband. I do not run with him on the roads. He's about 2 years old. He's in better shape than…
  • I just ordered the Nathan women's Vapor Shape from amazon. It was about $120. I haven't gotten it yet, so I can't really give an opinion. But I bought it on the recommendation of another female ultra trail runner. The straps cut in to fit the shape of a woman.
  • Yes, it would bother me to have .01 off. If it were .50 or less, I think I MIGHT be ok. LOL
  • My work is exactly 15.41 miles one way. I know this because I have ran there numerous times. But not before a shift, pretty sweaty. I just like running across town, then my husband picks me up or a co worker drives me home. So, no, it's not realistic for me to do this as an alternative to driving to work. But it is fun
  • I live in AZ. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've ran in the rain. And it's only been in the last 3 months. I joined a gym 4 years ago to escape rain. I'm of the mentality now that I should embrace it because I never know what the weather will be on race day. A hat is necessary for me to run in the rain, to…
  • sounds like a good idea to me
  • Excellent recap! Congrats on your half! You did awesome
  • I carry my own water only because I haven't mastered the art of drinking out of a small cup while on the run. If you're someone that takes walk breaks, you can use the water stations as a walk break. In that case, I wouldn't carry any water. As far as fuel, use whatever you have been training with. Do not try anything new…
  • Two weeks is too soon. I completely understand wanting to prove to your other half that you can do it. And you can. But wouldn't it be so much better if you were prepared? I would personally wait for another ultra. It is sad that you're gonna miss out on this one, but surely there's others you could properly train for.…
  • I roll my calves as best I can. I also use a golf ball on my heel and arch.
  • I totally agree with Silly. I call it "rag power." I've actually looked it up on the internet & there's some science behind it. We are slower the week or even 2 before. But then get a burst of energy, hormones, when we finally do have our period. I always wear a tampon during a run or race. I hope it all works in your…