

  • You aren't eating enough calories. Your doing more damage by starving your body. EAT MORE. You will lose the weight. If you are working out that much, your body needs fuel.
  • Those people have A LOT of weight to lose. Its a lot easier to pull those big numbers when you are 100 pounds or more overweight! For someone who only has 20/30 pounds to lose, not gonna pull a number like that
  • Yeah the problem probably is your exercise routine. They actually say to change it up every 4 weeks or so. Your body quickly adjusts to whatever workout you are doing and after a few weeks thinks "Hey I got this, this isn't so hard!" which results in not burning as many calories. I just hit this same wall too last week…
  • When you only have that little to lose, don't be worried about the scale. What matters more is inches off your waste or thighs or wherever you are wanting to lose those "5 pounds." The reason the scale means nothing when you are that close to your desired weight, is you might be losing weight but putting on muscle which we…
  • You DO realize that stress brings on weight gain? Maybe get that under control and then the weight will start coming off. If you have a hard time eating a lot, just make it only healthy food. I eat every 2 or 3 hours (I make it a small healthy meal) and the weight has been coming off. If you are stressing out tho, don't…