Haven't lost in SOOO LONG.

I don't think I've lost any weight since the beginning of this year. :( That being said I don't have that much to lose, 5-7 lbs. I know those last few lbs don't come off easily. That being said, I have been diligent and tried everything- upping my calories, decreasing my calories, changing my exercise routine, only to not see my magic # on the scale!! It's sooo frustrating!!!! I guess I should not focus on numbers so much & look at other things such as inches and how I feel. Because I feel great and I feel SKINNY, but the scale is not reflecting this!! Anyone else have this problem?? SOLUTIONS?


  • Pieater
    Pieater Posts: 40
    I'm stuck on a bit of a plateau also. Mine isn't quite as long standing - perhaps a couple of weeks, but it's a bit frustrating. I'm planning on a little hike Tuesday afternoon to burn about a days worth of calories. I hope that helps out. I'd like to hear of other people's plateau breaking experiences as well.

    Keep it, we'll break through the barriers eventually.
  • EmilyArndt
    When you only have that little to lose, don't be worried about the scale. What matters more is inches off your waste or thighs or wherever you are wanting to lose those "5 pounds." The reason the scale means nothing when you are that close to your desired weight, is you might be losing weight but putting on muscle which we all know adds on pounds but in a good way. All the fitness trainers I talk to say forget the scale, if you want to see if you are making a difference then go by measurements. The scale will tell you nothing even if a change is going on around your body
  • marisabanzhaf
    Well, the scale is only a number. If you feel great then that's all that matters! There's many reasons why the number could not be going down, perhaps if you work out a lot and your gaining muscle even by just toning, they naturally weigh more. Water weight, clothing, anything can factor in to make your number appearing higher. But again as long as you feel great than that number should not matter!

    If you really think you need to lose weight, cardio like running, elliptical and the bike is the fastest way to loose body fat. Running is hard but the number one way to loose fat. Running up to 3 miles a day will make a huge difference.

    Hope I was able to help :)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: I'm in the same boat - but have decided that I'm okay with it as with you, I am feeling wonderful. I would like to concentrate more on toning the baggies that I have but that comes in time too. I just want to be healthy and feel good. I have increased my final goal because I feel that my original of 125 was a bit too low. Diligence is what we need. It will come off when the body is ready. You know how resilient the body can be so we must have patience and consistent:bigsmile: .