

  • Fast food is terrible for you! While sometimes the calories may not be too high, look at all the other crap that's in it. For me personally, it's not worth it. I'd rather make my own sandwich.
  • If you haven't lost weight (or inches) then it's definitely time to revise your diet. You may only be eating 1400 calories, but if it's 1400 calories of crap then that's basically useless. Fruits, veggies, lean protein, homemade meals. <<These guys are your best friends :] It's not that you HAVE to learn how to cook…
  • I smoked for about 5 years, what helped me once I decided to quit was to keep track of how many cigarettes I had that day, and every 2 weeks or so I dropped that by 1. As soon as I got down to only allowing myself 3 a day, I finished the pack and refused to buy another one. I've had a few cigarettes since then (I quit in…
  • I've been bodyrocking for a while now and lemme tell ya! LOVE THESE WORKOUTS! Even if I'm exhausted I still get pumped up to do them. If you're starting from nothing I'd definitely recommend going with the beginner versions and working your way up. Also, when it comes to reps, if you can't do 30 do 20. The great thing…
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