Amazing results! Congrats!
I'm in again but for 75 miles, 5 weeks out from my 1st HM.
I forgot to add last weeks miles 3/25 5miles 3/27 3 miles 3/28 3.4 miles 3/29 5 miles 3/31 8 miles 24.4 for the week.
ran a 7k on Sunday 3/18 so 4.35 miles
4.35 today. Getting ready for the Get Lucky Chicago 7k on Sunday!
3/13 6 miles 3/14 4 miles total for month 10 url=]
last 2 weeks out with knee injury. Beautiful day for a run. 6 miles.
Can you add me again for this month for 50. Officialy off my 2 week injuried reserve. Ran/walked 6 miles today!
3.6 miles today 46.35 for the month
Everyone is so inspiring and I love to hear how great everyone is doing. I'm 9 weeks away from my 1st HM and 3 weeks into my far so good but I'm only at a 6 mile long run...
5.5 today... 39.75 total for month
Friday 2/24 3 miles = 37.25 for month...SO FAR! It's not over yet!
4.3 today
I'm in again and determined to hit my goal of 75 this month. :)
3.4 today 29.95 for the month tricker not working
How did your race go? Any pointers?
Looks alot of us are doing the HH and all around week 1 & 2 should be a fun spring ;) I crossed trained today with an old Tae bo cardio blast dvd. Boy did that change things up! scheduled to run T,W,Th 3 miles each and 5 on Saturday. Good Luck this week everyone!
Sunday 4.35=26.55 for month ticker not working :(
4 miles today
Week 11 good for you! Which program are you following?
3.6 yesterday= total for week so far 11.2 total for month 18.2
3.6 today. Total for Feb 10.6 miles
I started Hal Higdons Novice 2 HM 12 week training yesterday for my May 6th race.
Congrats on your HM elf618! My training officially started yesterday.
Late start this month 2/7-2 miles, 2/9 5 miles=7 miles total for the month
My first and only 10k was last November and I finished in 1:04. I was happy |I had only run 6 miles once before the race and my longest one time run was 7 miles! Trying to increase time and distance in 2012.
Welcome to the group. Are you a Chicagoan, Danibee? It looks like your profile pic is Chicago and a 15k would most likely be the hot chocolate! I'm from Chicago too! Running my 1st HM on May 6th and using Hal Higdon's training but holding off until end of February to officially start training. I am currently running 3-5…
I'm going to try for 75 again! Thanks
4 for me today. Way behind but 24 miles is better than no miles! :)
4.2 today