allieloffredo Member


  • Oh wow! Those sound like excellent vacations!!! I know my biggest fear is getting into a bathing suit and feeling comfortable about it. And I am a little worried about the food temptations when on vacation. It will be hard because I will be surrounded by so many good eats and food I may not ever have again, self-control…
  • Ohhhh, those are very hard to resist. So yummy! Good thing they only make them once a year, lol. I know I can't cut them or some other foods totally out of my life but maybe if you just have like a small serving each day it won't be so bad :)
  • Well no one else in the house eats the cheez-its or ben and jerry's, so my mom buys the stuff even after I asked her numerous times to please stop. She knows those are my comfort foods. I have self control when it comes to eating that sort of stuff but I would rather it just not be around so much. I don't mind having a…
  • Hey, I am new to this site and trying for a better lifestyle as well. Nice to meet you!