Motivational Vacations!

I am so so excited that in around 6 more weeks my parents, boyfriend, and I are driving down to my favorite place ever.....DISNEY WORLD!! Hehe, I know I am 22 but I don't care, it will always be my favorite. I started Insanity a few weeks ago and if I make it through the program 1x I should be finished up just in time for when we leave. Right now that is my motivation. I plan on getting right back into Insanity when I get back too but the week off will be a nice break from the mountain climbers, globe jumps, and whatever else Shaun T dishes out. I want to look and feel good about myself when I get into my new bathingsuit for the pools and not be out of shape for all the many miles of walking in the hot sun. So all the sweat and Insanity now will be well worth it later when I am cruising through the parks no problem. Does anyone else have a motivational vacation they want to be in tip top shape for? :smile:


  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    Going to Greece in September and spending a few of those days at the beach. I really couldn't care about what other people think, but it's more for the vacation photos. I know that sounds a little ridiculous. I just want to look at a photo and think "Oh, I remember that place" and not "Ew, look how fat my arm is".

    I did the same thing when I first signed up here for a vacay to Costa Rica. I did lose like 20 lbs but I did it by practically starving myself and no weight training. I was happy with my weight, but felt like my body shape hadn't changed much.

    ANYWAY .. don't do what I did, which was just open the flood gates when I got home. When I got back I just kept eating like I was still on vacation. Get right back into it!!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am going to France in June. This is a big motivation for me because I am meeting my parents who live there and I will not have seen them since Christmas. My mom is losing weight too so we have put a skype ban on so we can suprise each other.
    The place we are staying is yards from the beach and I would like to wear a swimsuit without feeling like Greenpeace is going to oraganise a rescue to put me back in the sea.

    I am also going to Italy in October. It will be the very first holiday my partner and I would have gone on alone (we go to see my mom and dad every year). I want to be all glamourous and slim whilst walking around Pisa, Florence and Rome, hopefully in the sunshine and in shorts :-)

    edit made because my spelling is rubbish today!!
  • allieloffredo
    allieloffredo Posts: 6 Member
    Oh wow! Those sound like excellent vacations!!! I know my biggest fear is getting into a bathing suit and feeling comfortable about it. And I am a little worried about the food temptations when on vacation. It will be hard because I will be surrounded by so many good eats and food I may not ever have again, self-control will need to be kicked into overdrive. I am still going to enjoy myself and maybe indulge a bit more than usual but hey it is the only vacation I have had in 6 years and I am not going to be kicking back with carrot sticks. I think I just have to watch portions and not eat anything deep fried and I should be golden.
    Also Disney may be packed with rides and good food but just all the walking that is done in one day may help me get a good workout in as well. But then once I get home it is back to Insanity and Shaun T yelling at me again to sweat more, lol :happy:
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Hawaii June 30! I want to try surfing for the first time and get a photo of me looking like Kate Bosworth from Blue Crush. ok, I still have a way to go to look like that, but its my motivation!
  • jyvonne27
    jyvonne27 Posts: 91 Member
    Going to Miami in July and I want to rock a bikini for the first time ever!
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    Getting married and going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon in October 2015. I have 100Lbs. to lose and this is one of my key motivations. I want this to be my most memorable time!
  • jolodo
    jolodo Posts: 24
    Flying from the UK to Orlando for 2 weeks in May. Hoping all the walking round the parks will help to keep things under control as the food portions there are much bigger than we're used to in the UK. Planning on sharing some meals if necessary.

    Orlando is a one off holiday as it's so expensive to get there so not going to stress about what I eat for those 2 weeks. Can get everything back to normal afterwards.

    Some times you just have to let go and ENJOY!!!!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Love Disney World. We go all the time, we live just south of DW!! Have fun. :drinker:
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Disney World, and camp with my kids.

    We went to WDW in 2012 when I was near my heaviest, and I was hufifng and puffing my way through. I decided then I needed to change and I began, ending up at 208 by the summer 2013.

    When I went to scout camp with my son that summer, I was amazed at the difference. Never out of breath, even after some of the longer hikes we did.

    Over the winter I put a few lbs back on, and summer camp season is almost here, plus another WDW trip in September. I'm planning at being under 200 by then and can't wait to feel the difference.