

  • 90 minutes 5days/week - everyday is slightly different, mix of vigorous and moderate 30 mins on Saturday - I usually spend the day doing something outdoors so I only spend 30 minutes at the gym strength training 2X days/week
  • R&D Engineer **Nerd girls do it better**
  • Yeah, good point. I have been doing 30 minute boxing drills and 45min vigorous cardio everday. The endorphine high can be addictive. I noticed the last couple of days I could not get endorphine high anymore - just sore allover. My boxing coach recommends only 2-60 min drills/week and 30-60min low/moderate intensity cardio…
  • I do more than 200 5-6/week. It was tough for the first week but it gets easier. I stopped counting and just do by time. I do ab exercises as part of my cooldown. If I'm not in the mood to go to the gym, I'll just do slow crunches while watching TV. 2 minutes crunches 1 minute obliques right 1 minute obliques left 1 minute…
  • Hello, I'm a little late starting but I have been logging my mile from walk/run/bike this week. So I'm in for the challenge. This week so far, I managed 18.1 miles walk/run/bike. 3.5 weeks to go. -M
  • What height are you? 5'2" What the heaviest you have been? 185lb How about the lightest? 132lb Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes. I gain weight mostly on my waist and thighs. But those areas (and my boobs) shrink the fastests. Do you feel that your…
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