to my fellow vertically challenged members(e.g short people)



  • MDinglasa
    MDinglasa Posts: 7
    What height are you? 5'2"

    What the heaviest you have been? 185lb

    How about the lightest? 132lb

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?

    Yes. I gain weight mostly on my waist and thighs. But those areas (and my boobs) shrink the fastests.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?

    No, I don't have a problem wearing 5" heels all day.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel?


    I go +/- 10lbs every year without even trying. So it can be frustrating when you are actually trying to lose weight and the scale does not budge. So I started working out 1 hour everyday 4-5X/week (running, stationary bike, weight lifting, etc) and maintaining under 1500 calories.

    In 2.5 weeks, I lost only 2lbs. Frustrating but I keep on going. My arms, shoulders, chest, thighs and butt are sore but it is all good.

  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hopefully no-one minds me referring to us shorties as vertically challenged. Sounds better then calling ourselves short I think :smile:

    What height are you? 4ft 9

    What the heaviest you have been? Between 46 - 48 kgs Not sure about Ibs 17 - 19 years of age

    How about the lightest? Between 40 - 42 kgs Not sure about Ibs 14 - 17 years of age

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes my belly and my thighs look the biggest although most people tell me otherwise.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? No I love been short (Funsize) apart from the weight distribution.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? I have not experienced that but I still feel fat.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? Depends on the individual.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I find I lose weight from my chest and butt first. I can handle losing some butt fat, yes, but boob size, no, don't need to lose anything there. I hate that they get smaller. I'd like to stay a 12D thank you very much!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I want to lose weight everywhere lol
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    What height are you?
    5'3 1/2" flatfooted. I'm heels up to to 5"9". I'm tall for my height

    What the heaviest you have been?
    280 lbs

    How about the lightest?
    6 lbs 7oz at birth

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?
    I have REALLY big boobs, so I'm always surprised at how much I weigh.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?
    Nope. I have never had to date a man shorter than me, and I really feel like my height gives me a 'cuteness'

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?
    Kind of, but not really. I mean overweight is overweight

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel?
    YES!!!!! Some skinny person with a ridiculously high metabolism came up with that bull%^&*. Why does it matter?
  • chickielou
    chickielou Posts: 47
    I wanted to jump in and say that for us shorter people, I hate that we have to eat less than a taller person......its like we arent allowed to enjoy food as much as a taller person cos of our height........Like we are suppose to only eat half of a big mac combo or half a biscuit..........Feel very ripped off that a tall person can eat more than me.......

    But when I see an overweight tall person I think.......Wow you must eat lots to be tall and overweight when I can only eat half of a tall skinny person to maintain even a slightly less rounder body

    I also hate that my BMI reckons I should be around 57kgs..........the only time ive been that is when I was living on next to nothing and exercising 3hrs a day 5 days a week.......So ive come to terms with being what i consider to be MY healthy weight. 65kgs is my healthy weight where i can still indulge now and then and exercise regularly without going completely stupid about it and still have some form of quality life

    *sorry if ive offended any tall people
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    What height are you?
    ---5' 1.5" (used to be 158cm just like you... but I shrank at age 29?? Might be posture related)

    What the heaviest you have been?
    ---186lbs, just 1.5 month ago!

    How about the lightest?
    ---As an adult, 167.5lbs (right now). As a high schooler, 138lbs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?
    ---Not necessarily. My weight is pretty evenly distributed throughout my body, except on my tummy which has a bit more fat.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?
    ---Not at all. The only thing I dislike about my body, vertically, is the proportion. My legs are too short! If my upper body lost one inch, and my legs gained one inch, I'd be good. :smile:

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?
    ---Actually, it's the other way around for me... Because I'm overweight, people often underestimate my height.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel?
    ---Nope, just inaccurate.

    All in all, I don't mind being at my height. Short people can look amazing if they are healthy and proportionate. The only downside: the petite section at the mall often doesn't have all the cute cloths that the regular section has...
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    What height are you?
    ---5' 3"

    What the heaviest you have been?
    ---140 lbs

    How about the lightest?
    ---108 lbs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?
    ---Yes, I have short legs and that is where all the fat tends to migrate (hips,thighs and butt)

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel?

    5lbs can be a lot of weight on a small and short frame. So I try to keep it in check. I personally find if I start to creep up towards the 120lbs, I am not happy. This is my cut off weight in my comfort zone!!!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    What height are you? 4' 10 1/2"

    What the heaviest you have been? Somewhere around 180 lb.

    How about the lightest? Around 110 lb.

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yes, I do think every pound is more noticable on my small frame. I wish this weren't the case, but it is.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Only when an item is too high up for me to reach. Otherwise, iIm perfectly happy with my height.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? No, not really.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? No, I really don't. It's just an average of weight and's not reliable for the musclebound, but I'm not musclebound.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    What height are you? 5'3

    What the heaviest you have been? 8 years ago I was around 180

    How about the lightest? Right before my last pregnancy - 117

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Yep, every pound. Most of it on my stomach area

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Not really. I don't mind being short, I do mind being short and fat though. And sometimes I wish I were a bit taller next to my husband, hes 6'1, I look so much shorter standing next to him.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? Sometimes

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? It actually doesnt bother me, not that I really ever look at it.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    What height are you? 5'3"

    What the heaviest you have been? 225

    How about the lightest?

    125 (after losing 50 pounds at age 21)

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?

    No. I carry my weight in my thighs and butt. Most people assume I weigh much less than I do. I can hide a lot of extra pounds between my knees and my pelvis.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?

    Only when I am trying to reach things on the top shelf.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?

    Don't know what this means... Are you saying that you look fat even when you are not overweight? If so, no. I can be quite overweight according to charts and look good, to me. I think I look sexy and attractive now, and I am still quite obese.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel?

    No. It's a chart made by someone who needed a way to quantify information. I pay little attention to it. I care more about body fat percentage, clothing size, and my personal fitness.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy?

    Only when I am trying to reach things on the top shelf.
    This made me laugh, I thought that when my six foot plus husband and I parted, I'd never again be able to reach stuff on the top shelves.

    Then I realised he was the only person who ever put stuff up there. :bigsmile:
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    What height are you? 5'7"

    What the heaviest you have been? 275 ish

    How about the lightest? 181

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out?

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? Hell yes! I feel like a hamster running on its wheel compared to a taller person next to me "joggin/walking" at the same pace.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? According to my BMI I should weigh in at 165 max for my height!!! That's crap, I'm obese according to that number, but there's no way I have 30 lbs of fat to lose!

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? YES YES AND HELL YES! I don't pay any attention because of that... I know I'm healthy at my weight
  • Mrsmojo
    Mrsmojo Posts: 1 Member
    What height are you? 5.0" (152cms)

    What the heaviest you have been? 68kg

    How about the lightest? 47kg

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Definitely! I know taller people wear NZ size 12 and look awesome. For me if I'm big enough to wear an NZ size 12 I look overweight.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? No, I love being petite.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? No, when I'm overweight I definitely look it.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? I did weight training for many years and because of this I know the BMI is just a general indication and can't take into account muscle tone etc.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    What height are you? 5 ft 3 in

    What the heaviest you have been? no comment

    How about the lightest? no comment

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? yes. I look at food and I look like a whale.

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? yes, I hate being short. I hate that I can't reach anything, that chairs are always too big for me, that I can't find clothes that fit me.

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? I'm not sure, this probably depends on the person. When I'm a decent weight, I don't look fat but I certainly weigh more than people think I do. I'm a pretty muscular person.

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? I ignore BMI completely; it doesn't apply to everyone.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    *sorry if ive offended any tall people

    I'm sure you haven't.

    As why would a tall person need to come on a thread for short people?...
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height?

    Don't know what this means... Are you saying that you look fat even when you are not overweight?

    I was just referring to BMI again, saying certain weight in regards to height is overweight, especially with shorter people, when realistically we probably aren't overweight.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? Definitely! I know taller people wear NZ size 12 and look awesome. For me if I'm big enough to wear an NZ size 12 I look overweight.

    Yeah, I can so relate! Like size 10 I look fine, size 12, different story!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    What height are you? 5 '

    What the heaviest you have been? 160 lbs

    How about the lightest? 98-100 lbs

    Do you find any weight you do have on, over what's considered average for your height, shows hard out? yes

    Do you feel that your lack of height is almost like your enemy? No, I dont mind my height--when I am not overweight

    Do you find it's easy to be deemed overweight, when you really don't look it and realistically aren't, due to your height? No

    Do you think the BMI can be insulting and cruel? No,

    I have accepted the fact that I am not a tall person. Often, wondered what it would be like to be tall -- I must admit any extra weight weighs me down and makes me feel even shorter,,,,