

  • great! the weight will drop eventually! stay strong, keep working on it! :)
  • I feel like I'm back on track, after the holidays. I was so proud that I still lost a couple of pounds and I'm right back at the gym, making my lunches, and feeling so much better! You?
  • moved to Midland in 2009 and am now in Ann Arbor, originally from Indiana (but hey, that's better than Ohio)!
  • Last weekend, my family told me that I looked like I did my freshman year of college (me at my skinniest) and how proud of me they were.
  • I love this string... so much that this is my first post even though I've been a member on MFP for over 2 months now. My NSVs: + My work slacks that have eluded me for about 6 months are now loose enough that I have to consider buying new clothes! + I had the tape measure out to where I was last March (40" waist )... now,…