sauntryk Member


  • There are exercises that focus on the bust area and back area, which will definately help tone and give you back muscle to support your boobs. Aerobic excersice helps as well.
  • My weight loss motivation; going to the doctor and her telling me my BMI was borderline obese.....I was in shock, overweight, I know but OBESE....Gosh...I think I stressed about it so much I gained 10 lbs...Christmas didn't help....then with that 10 lbs, I know I'm obese now... this hurts. My ARMS are large.... I never had…
  • lol this made my day!
  • In the Jillian Michaels DVD I bought, I use daily; It's in full 20 minutes of ; 3 minutes strength-2 minutes cardio-1 minute abs over and over...but I also walk 30 minutes to an hour a day; and I have an eliptical glider which I use 20 minutes a few times a week.... :(
  • Once a day is normal, some people only go 3 times a week. I myself don't pay attention, but I will say; diet energy drinks (diet red rain) and coffee) are like laxatives to me...the more I drink the more I go,,,but this in NO WAY affects my weight....wish it did :)
  • Take one day at a time. When I first started I ate the same and was shocked by how unhealthy I was eating and was very discouraged. I always bought the LOW FAT bars, and what not, and had no idea how much sugar intake I was taking, let alone my sodium (from soup??) and calories, WOW, so I just watched for about a week…
  • If you come back in a swet I would say it would be equivalent to a brisk walk. 5 mph. The site below is fairly accurate and although it doesn't have pushing stroller under training and sports activity, there is pushing a wheelchair which may be close to 63lbs???
  • If you come back in a swet I would say it would be equivalent to a brisk walk. 5 mph. The site below is fairly accurate and although it doesn't have pushing stroller under training and sports activity, there is pushing a wheelchair which may be close to 63lbs???
  • WoW I want your abs! Great job...what exercises are you doing?
  • I just try to find a similar item online, it's hard to guess because we don't know what they use to cook their recipes (lard, butter, oil, pam)... so I google search the nutritional information of 3 veggie breakfast burritos and take the average.... can't go wrong if you guess higher, only if you guess lower...…
  • About a year after I had my daughter I lost a good chunk of hair...It scared the crap out of me,.. it did stop after i lost close to 30% but it never grew back....fortunately I had enough hair that noone notices....if you are under the age 35, there's a birth control called Diane 35 and it helps stop hair loss. My sister…
  • I know how you feel, I want it to be accurate, but then I'd rather jip myself then over calculate for sure, it's better to be pleasantly surprised then disappointed at the end of the week :)
  • Organic Greek Chocolate Yogurt? I have to try this.... thank you :) I usually love Easter but now I'm scared of it...I'll be staring at my daughters baskets and telling them to hide it from me!
  • I guess its all about awareness, a learning process for sure.... thanks to everyone that replied :)
  • Thank you!!! I will definately try this :)