

  • Ditto - I'm in a strange place with little knowledge. I'm eating a lot better (due to this site) and loosing a tiny bit of weight but exercising a lot more and can tell my shape is changing. I'm guessing the very small weight loss may be counterbalanced by the weight gain from some muscle development. Anyway, I'm not a…
  • Nice you! You seem determined and I've seen real evidence that this application works. I've noticed that weight isn't everything - I'm overweight for my height but I exercise quite a lot and I'm confident that the muscle contributes to that too. You mentioned athletic periods in your life... if it was there then you'll get…
  • Excellent advice, thank you! I know exactly that feeling when working out but less so lately as this software helps me to fuel up without feeling like I'm overdoing it before a session. Brilliant tips there. I'm wary of specialist foods but will try the apple and honey next time. Your 1 hour sparring sounds extremely…
  • Hi, welcome - I'm new too! I've replaced sweets with dried apricots (actually they're really moist) I worry that they're just as sugary as anything unhealthy but at least they don't contain fat. Anyway, nice to meet you! Congrats on loosing so much. I've only lost 2 pounds so far!