

  • You look fantastic!! Keep up the good work! :)
  • I just finished week 1 day 3 tonight but Im going to repeat week 1. For those with shin splints...I used to get them horribly because I ran on my toes -- I played softball as a teenager so my only "running" was sprinting between bases. I had to train myself to land heal first and roll through my foot, then they went away.…
  • Im just starting. I've never been a runner all...even as a kid!! :) Im starting a second week of week 1 because Im a little nervous moving on to week 2. I just feel the need to be a little more comfortable before I move onto the next week. I figure this is how I'll do every phase. All I care about is seeing…
  • At my WW meetings we used to call people like that "food pushers"...if they were pushing drugs at work you'd say no!! For me...donuts might as well be crack!! Just say NO!! :) Good Luck!!!
  • You should enjoy being young!! What is life if we can't do the things we love with the people we love. We only have 1 happy!! I guess the real challenge for you...since you like to to make certain that you bring a healthy food alternative to every party. That can have fun with everyone else…
  • One of my favorite sayings is....You never truly fail until you give up trying!! So good for you for trying again!! I too am trying to get back on the weight loss bandwagon...maybe this will be the time we both are successful!! Good luck!!
  • I think what you are going through is normal. :) I know one of the reasons I eat is because I get frustrated and get negative about myself. I have had to learn to focus on the positive, focus on my achievement and how far I've come...not how far I have to go!! We all have these takes practice to refocus our…
  • I like them because they dont require a lot of space in my living room. I also like how they incorporate arm movements. I found the 1 mile too easy and quickly worked up to the 3 mile. They did help me loose some weight and kept me on track when the weather was to icky to walk outside!!