My mind is still a 3X...

I dont usually post these types of topics but I just needed to vent. I went clothes shopping today and had a blast. I have gone from a 22/24 (3x) to a 14/16 (1x) in shirts and I have gone from a 22 pant to an 18 pant and went down a whole cup size. I went from a 44DDD to a 40 DD! It sounds like a small victory right? I have put on these clothes several times tonight just to look at myself in them. I was so happy at the store that I actually had options again, not just desperately seeking clothes that wouldn't make me look like a whale. Later on, I am miserable again. I feel undeserving, almost. I dont see a huge difference in the mirror. I have to keep bringing up my before and after pics to be able to see them. I guess I still feel like that girl I was just a few months earlier. After all this dieting,exercising and weight loss I feel like I hate my body as much as I used to. Even when I pull up my before and after pics I hate to look at myself. I still have another 30 to lose to be at my first goal weight. But after this goal I still need to lose about 30 more. I just hope I'm not dealing with this my whole journey. I want this to be a happy time not a frustrating one. I am a little worried because I am wondering if this is abnormal or even unhealthy to think this way.


  • alli1570
    alli1570 Posts: 8
    I think what you are going through is normal. :) I know one of the reasons I eat is because I get frustrated and get negative about myself. I have had to learn to focus on the positive, focus on my achievement and how far I've come...not how far I have to go!! We all have these takes practice to refocus our "self talk". Teaching ourselves to be positive is like working a whole other type of muscle...a mental one!

    So...way to go on your loss!! You've done fabulous so far...and you'll continue to do more!!! :) Congratulations!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    That's incredible!! You've worked hard and deserve to feel good!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I do understand that feeling though, I lost quite a number of lbs and have yet to feel 'skinny', or small or any other word close to that. The mirror I own doesn't seem to sound at all like what ppl tell me I look like now. Exasperating isn't it! :sad:

    Well along with the pictures, have you tried pulling out the old 'fat' clothes? I almost threw all of mine out but I did save some jeans a couple shirts and a winter coat, not to have 'just in case' but to help me when I need a thrill in how far I really have come. LOL

    Even though your old clothes are too big now do try and save a few things so as you continue to drop down in weight and sizes when can pull them on and watch them drop to the floor:laugh: My Winter Coat I saved wraps around me 3-4 times and the arms go down to my knees, it's crazy to see, looks like a kid putting on their Mom's coat. LOL

    All I can say is I do believe this too is part of the journey to becoming healthier, it's part of changing our self image. Losing weight is one part, getting healthier and gaining body awareness is awhole nother part!

    You're doing great, you've dropped ALOT in your bra size 4 inches Chick! Way down in pants and shirts as well, keep the water coming, the workouts going, the healthy food counted and continue to praise yourself for all that hard work you continue to do! The belief will come in time! For all of us:wink::flowerforyou:

  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Teaching ourselves to be positive is like working a whole other type of muscle...a mental one!
    Aww I love how you put that, it's so very true!! I used to write self affirmations down and hang them on the mirror and such and it really did help, looks like it's time to start hanging them around again!:smooched: Because I'm worth it!! We all ARE:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    Not abnormal at all! I haven't dropped a size yet but I have lost 8lbs. I can't even tell in my before and afters really, but I still look in the mirror every day and don't like the way I look. I've always been this way though- even at my smallest, I only saw the flaws. I won't even buy new clothes for myself until I reach my goal...I just don't feel as if I deserve it until I'm 25lbs lighter.

    You've accomplished SO much already... Don't let it get you down and feeling like you want to quit....remember the progress you've already made and keep on pushing towards your goal.
  • ashnichole10
    I agree with what everyone else has already said.. =) sometimes it's hard to focus on the positives and it's easier just to be hard on ourselves. You just need to remember how good it felt to be in those stores and have to get smaller sizes because that is your hard work paying off. You deserved to be so happy in that moment and even if it's hard to see the changes sometimes you just gotta remember the weight isn't going to come off overnight so those "small" victory's is what I usually choose to focus on! We all need to be easier on ourselves and just remember that you are doing a great job! but it is definitely normal- we have all been there but we just have to be able to pick ourselves up when that happens and remind ourselves how far we've come and that we have to continue eating healthy and working hard so we can keep seeing results!! =) congrats though- that is something great to be proud of! I can't wait to drop a pants size! lol
  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    Thanks everyone! I do feel a bit better now.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I can tell you something to make you feel even better. 14/16 is NOT equivalent to 1x in a top. It is more like... 20=1x; 18=XL; 16=L

    Just keep looking in the mirror and looking at your pics. Your brain takes a while to catch up.

    I have gone from a 3x top and 44D to a MEDIUM--just bought t-shirts on sale at Penney's and went for the mediums. They will fit better in about 10 lbs. but I can still wear the dark colored ones immediately. I also bought a couple of all in one body briefers in 40D. As for pants, I was in a size 24W, last night bought a pair of size 14's. And I tried on some elastic waist shorts and a pair of MEDIUMs fit!! Oh what a feeling. It is finally beginning to sink in. And I still have another 50-60 lbs. that I want to lose.