billythewiz Member


  • Jecka's got it ! When I first stated with MFP it suggest 1300 calories a day. There's no way I could sustain that for a week, never mind 6 months ! So I gave myself a daily target of 2000 calories and started losing weight at a modest rate. Then I decided to train for a 5k race and so added 400-600 calories of exercise 2-3…
  • It's definitely exercise and a fantastic one for weight loss. The "problem" with high intensity exercise (running, spinning, zumba, whatever) is that it can often leave you feeling very hungry. That's great if you can suffer that hunger but most people can't. So it's great for fitness but not as great as the calorie…
  • If you feel ok with 170 then I wouldn't worry. When I was in my 20s my HR could hit 200 when I was playing squash (that didn't feel OK). These days (in my 40s) 170 is very hard for me and I much prefer to go longer with a lower heart rate. In my case, running with a low HR (~140) has allowed me to run for longer, more…
  • I've never liked running. I've always done it but never enjoyed it. This summer I discovered the secret to enjoying it .... run slowly ! I often run on a treadmill with a heart rate monitor and let the HRM control the speed. It set a lowish target heart rate (140) and plod along to that. I've worked up from 15 minutes to…
  • The watch just has to be close to the strap but it doesn't have to be on your wrist. Could you keep it in your pocket or on your ankle under your sock ? I love my HRM. I used to hate running but once I started wearing a monitor I found I was running too hard/fast (for me). I now run with a heart rate of ~140 and it's not…