

  • I'm having the same issue (Garmin data no longer going to MFP - and vice versa). Everything seemed to be working last week and then there were a couple days of this random "Garmin Calorie Adjustment" and now nothing. Help!!???
  • Kind of depends on your goals. If you're looking to lose weight, today's diary (at a very quick glance) looks okay in terms of overall calories/nutrition. Skipping lunch (and I'm the pot calling the kettle black, FYI) isn't always helpful, though. Just my $0.02 (worth half that) and YMMV
  • Kudos on being able to stop by after work! I have to go in the AM - I lose motivation by the hour during the day :) By the time I'm headed home I have a really hard time stopping for a workout.
  • It seems I'm in a similar spot; I'd like to lose another 8 or so pounds (check the ticker for the exact number), but I'll get there pretty soon - my big issue will be getting my body fat number down. In the past I was able to get my body fat low by going on a relatively high protein diet, but any other advice/opinions are…
  • Daily. Every morning right before I go to the gym. I used to weigh myself again after long runs or rides to see how much (water) I'd lost, but I'm much more rational now ;)
  • Mine is also open 24/7. Wouldn't have joined otherwise.
  • I usually also keep a spare pair of headphones, water bottle, and an emergency protein bar in my bag.
  • My PF (SoCal) has 4-5 benches and a good set/range of free weights. I've been able to do my normal free weight routine there without issue.
  • I just joined PF last week. I've been curious about the 30 minute express workout, but haven't done it yet. You guys have talked me into it - I'll be doing it tomorrow AM!!
  • I got a Withings scale about a year ago. It works great and automatically uploads weight and body fat to the Internet. And now it sends it to MFP as well - too cool!
  • I used to use Polar for heart rate, but now use Garmin products for heart rate & GPS. Almost everything out there is good nowadays, just make sure that the product has a chest strap - the wrist or finger monitors aren't accurate.
  • Good advice. Thanks. My plans for the holidays: Halloween - Just avoiding the candy altogether. I'm better at going without than trying to limit myself when it comes to candy - much easier for me to have none than just a couple pieces. Turkey day - Tough one, but at home this year, so the plan is to keep it healthy, skip…
  • I used to jump rope between sets at the gym - made for a great (and very efficient - no lost time) workout. Just started working out regularly again this week; I plan to bring the jump-rope back next month.
  • #2; use it for over-eating as well as anything else
  • I just joined a PF here in SoCal - only because it's new and no one goes there yet. I get to the gym at ~5am and am literally the only person there. At my old gym (24hour; still have the membership), the place is >75% full at that time. $10/month is well worth it to have the gym to myself ;) (FWIW, I do find the pizza and…
  • I've been there also, and it gets harder (for me anyway) as you keep pushing it back day after day. I've found that writing down and committing to a workout schedule is key. There are still days when I have to force myself to go in, but they are fewer - and on those days I literally force myself to go. I may concede to an…
  • Amazing and inspirational. Congratulations!! I don't have quite so far as you've already gone, but you've reenergizrd and motivated me. Thank you!
  • Me too! I'm now getting back on track - I can use some accountability!!
  • +1!!! I get to the gym by 4 in order to get 90 minutes in before work. I don't like having to get up so early, but its necessary in order to get the workout in.