

  • If I am unsure, I always underestimate on calories burned on exercise and over estimate on calories from food....
  • I have Zumba for the Wii - I paid $40 or $45 for it at GameStop
  • I have it too and cortisone shots help, but only temporarily - my ortho doc has told me that I need bilateral knee replacement, but that he won't do it for at least 10 more years, so in the meantime, he is using cortisone shots and viscosupplementation to decrease the pain and grinding.....hope that helps!
  • You also have to factor in your BMR (basalmeteabolic rate) which is the calories you burn just breathing. There is a calculator on here that gives you a rough estimate, but you can also have it calculated as part of your profile at the gym. Hope that helps!
  • Not from Ireland, but visit as frequently as possible - most definately one of my favorite places on earth! What part are you from?
  • Hi Sara! I'm Paula and I have a beautiful 9 year old daughter that I want to be healthy for! (And a wedding on October 1 that I REALLY want to wear a size 14 to!) I am definately in as this feels like even more accountability! I am loving MFP in that it gives me immediate feedback on what I have eaten and what I have left…