

  • My final weigh in is 246lbs :) Thanks everyone:)) Angie
  • Hi everyone, Sorry I have been doing good to even just log my diary. I just weighed in at 249lbs. I am not surprised that I have have not lost much actually kinda surprised I haven't gained. It has been so hectic the last month. Both the boys are finally in school. Me and my husband's semesters have started we alternate…
  • HI everyone, Hope that you are all doing wonderful:)))) My current weight is 250lbs Oh that is exciting!!!!!! Will check in again soon... Keep up the good work:)))) Angie Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi everyone, My cw is 253 lbs and my gw 248 lbs I am still unsure about setting to high and not succeeding. 5 lbs seems attainableand any thing under 250lbs would be exciting ;) My 28th birthday is right after this challenge ;) I hurt my back yesterday so I am more limited than I have been with just my knee messing up. I…
  • I am at 253lbs now ;)))) Angie Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I weighed my self I am at ..... 255lbs GOAL!!!!!!!! First time I have ever set a weight goal!!! Hope everyone I doing great!!! ;))))))) Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • My CW is 256 lbs ;))) Hope that you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!! Angie Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I am at 258lbs;)))
  • Margie, Thanks for the welcome;) anyone can add me if you want.... can always use more friends;)) I am using myfitnesspal everyday trying to maintain under on sodium and sugar specifically the fat and others tend not to go over often... Have beencleabing and working around my house since I don't have access to a gym and I…
  • I don't know if it is too late for me to join this will be my first challenge ever... My current weight is 260 goal weight of 255 for 8-8-11 Will see how this influences my weight. Angiembb :wink: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I love veggies and have three kids 3 5 7 and we go and I let them pick out veggies that they want to try it does help some with them wanting to eat them.. I have to tell you that my favorite veg cooked would be sweet potato chips or wedges. Super easy and when cooked it taste like marshmallows lol. Wash your sweet potatoes…
  • I was turning in a daily diary my calories were under 1200 not on purpose just happened. When it popped up what if I did this amount of weight in five weeks it said "My calories were to low and if I don't maintain at least 1200 daily that my body will go into starvation mode and start storing fat" I read this and went and…