VIXEN'S~ 8-8-11 Challenge :)



  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Well...that plateau has been tough....I've been stuck since the last challenge. My last weigh was 125.5. I don't think I will be reaching my goal this time around. :cry:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have lost another pound down to 188.5
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Hi everyone,

    First of all you are all doing soooooo well. Very proud of every single one of you. Sorry I haven't been on here much (a lot of family drama going on), I'm still doing my workouts and eating right but the scale is not budging. I started doing one of my Jillian Michaels DVD (No More Trouble Zones) along with some cardio. Last time I did one of her DVDs I gained 10 lbs at first. So I'm not worried. I feel really good and getting lots of compliments. Bought some new workout clothes in a medium. I was shocked to say the least.

    We're going away this weekend (a long weekend) with the family, time to refelect and possibly try something new to finish the last few pounds. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    cw: 217.8
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Hey guys!!! This morning I weighed in at 201.6...I am soooo close to my goal...only 1.6 pounds to go until I finally hit ONEderland!!!!! I cannot wait!

    I have decided to take a new approach to the scale though. I feel that I have become too obsessed with the numbers rather than getting healthier. I have decided that for one month, I will not weigh in! My last weigh in will be Aug 1st and I will not weight in again until Sept. 1st. I'm excited about this challenge that I have set for myself!! I wish you all the best of luck in hitting your goals by August 8th! I will still be participating in this challenge but my final weight will be the one from Aug 1st. Thanks so much for your support everyone! I am so proud of all of you!
  • angiembb
    angiembb Posts: 12
    My CW is 256 lbs ;)))

    Hope that you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!!


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    142. I really didn't expect to lose so much over this challenge!
  • angiembb
    angiembb Posts: 12
    I weighed my self I am at ..... 255lbs GOAL!!!!!!!!
    First time I have ever set a weight goal!!!
    Hope everyone I doing great!!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • wantconfidence
    wohoo i burned 10,000 calories this week and now i weigh 235 :drinker:
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Well I haven't lost any weight but.....I went away for a 5 day weekend with my hubby and kids and I stayed the same. I'm in complete shock. I don't think I'll make this goal but that's okay. I'm happy with maintaining right now until the kids go back to school. Have an awesome week everyone.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    I weighed my self I am at ..... 255lbs GOAL!!!!!!!!
    First time I have ever set a weight goal!!!
    Hope everyone I doing great!!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    Congrats, way to go!!
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    wohoo i burned 10,000 calories this week and now i weigh 235 :drinker:

    That's wonderful!!! I might have to try that (a calories burned goal). What a great accomplishment.:smile:
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    wohoo i burned 10,000 calories this week and now i weigh 235 :drinker:

    Wow good job, what do you do to lose that many calories? zumba? running?
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on much. I will update the sheet asap.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Well the scale finally moved. I'm really happy. I'm down to 153.9. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am at 188.0 this morning . Grat job Carrie you are almost at your goal weight ! Thats amazing ~
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    final weigh in in 2 days! I shoul have a small loss!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Great job everybody! I know its hard to hang on thru the summer, all the cookouts and vacations and such, but we can do this! :)

    I'll post one more chart here. On the 8th! :)

    Here is the link to the next challenge :)

  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I am way off my goal, so I am weighing in at 218 and I am looking forward to starting the new challenge. See you all there.