VIXEN'S~ 8-8-11 Challenge :)



  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    woot woot :)
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Hello! I'm getting ready to wrap up Jillian Michaels' 30DS tomorrow....I did all thirty days straight with NO OFF DAYS and I am so proud of myself :):):) I'm going to take one day off (Sunday) and then get straight back to it! My goal this time: work out no less than 4 hours every week! I can do it!!! I am currently also trying to battle my way through the C25K program. Running and I are not friends but my sister and I have a goal to run a half marathon next May!! It's a scary goal, but I just have to keep on chuggin along. I am so proud of everyone! Keep up the great work!!!!!!

  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    sw: 224.4

    cw: 221.3
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    well, I am happy to report that I weigh 218.0 lbs, I am out of the 220's for good.:smile: Plus, I officially weigh less than my husband:bigsmile: which has been bugging me forever.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Already hit 145, so maybe need to re-examine my goals. Was kinda weird, since I've been eating 1400 cals a day and just lying on my bum since surgery last week. I expected to gain! I guess my body was glad for a rest.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    melusinagr~ Great job already getting to your goal!
    My scale has final moved again! I need to stop giving in to just maintaining.. I have too far to go before April when I start looking for a wedding dress!! :D

  • Bump for tomorrow when I get weighed and can post my goal weight :-)
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member

    My scale has final moved again! I need to stop giving in to just maintaining.. I have too far to go before April when I start looking for a wedding dress!! :D

    Ooooh, congratulations!!! Now you have some major motivation. =)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 189.5 .
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Just checking in, no change yet.
  • lidunne
    lidunne Posts: 46 Member
    132.5, i'm yo-yoing and don't know what to do! But i'll keep at it... its got to get better right :o)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    my weight is up. I'm going to give myself a week to get it off and then I will log my official weight then. stress has been eating me up lately. first I was overeating, now I'm not eating. I'm killing my metabolism and I need to find a happy medium.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    132.5, i'm yo-yoing and don't know what to do! But i'll keep at it... its got to get better right :o)

    It does - you might just be a bit stuck in a plateau. It sucks, but you can break through it. Maybe change up your routine a bit for awhile.
    my weight is up. I'm going to give myself a week to get it off and then I will log my official weight then. stress has been eating me up lately. first I was overeating, now I'm not eating. I'm killing my metabolism and I need to find a happy medium.

    Leela, I'm sorry about all the stress. I know how hard that can be. =( I hope things get better for you this week.
  • lidunne
    lidunne Posts: 46 Member
    Leela i hope it gets better too! x
    Melusinagr, thank you for the encouragement, it really helps x
  • i hope it's ok to be a late starter! starting weight it 225 (give or take an ounce) and my goal for 8/8/11 is 218
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    the chart looks great. win loss or draw I'm going to record my weight Friday!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Let's see ---
    Starting Weight = 126
    Goal Weight = 123

    Hmmmm.....I'm not doing so well with this month's challenge. I've hit the dreaded plateau. Doing everything I can to get past it, but I'm not sure it's going to happen soon enough. :(
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    cw: 220.5
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Having a bit of a rough time this week! :sad: I don't think I will be losing any weight. My husband just started his holidays and we have been eating out alot. I got to get back on track. This morning I jumped back on that treadmill before the sun outside would change my mind. I lost 60 pounds, I just need a little bit more motivation to lose the other 60 pounds. Plus, did anyone else notice it gets harder, it seems at first I would lose 2 to 4 pounds a week and I would eat more and not exercise. Now, I need to exercise, eat less and I still have a hard time to lose even 1 pound a week! It's so discouraging. Sorry, I had to vent! :(
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Nothing, I've hit another wall. I think I need to eat more (which is still sounds weird), I'm burning too many calories and not eating enough back.
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