

  • I love that, Love is a Verb, Not a Noun
  • I know what you mean, My husband gets angry when I ask him to go to the gym with me, and feels left out when I go alone. I have heard "I'll go tomorrow" to many times to count. He eats an entire package of Oreo's in one setting. He is 100 lbs more than I do and is about 2 inches shorter than me. His chest is huge and I can…
  • I am in the same boat. I think the trick is to get over the guilt. (which I struggle with) I went to work out tonight after class even though my husband was home alone (he refuses to go with me - keeps saying I'll go tomorrow and at this point to preserve our relationship I'm just going to stop asking) and the kids were…
  • Hope I'm not too late but I'm in!!! I don't have much support at home. So I go to the gym alone. I need the support because I can see myself stopping as soon as school starts back up, which for me is August 1st. My last weigh in was 182. Which just killed me because it is up!! But my clothes are not as tight. I want to…