Husband Trouble



  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    Thanks for all of the support and encouragement everyone. I'm feeling much better after I got some sleep and cooled down! I rearranged everything and gave him his own shelf in the pantry and frig and made it clear to the kiddos (and myself) that that was daddy's junk food shelf and that they needed to stay away from it. My daughter and I have been making up a new list and will be going shopping again today for some healthy stuff. (I just have to wait another couple of weeks to get my dishwasher fixed, which means I'll get lots of extra exercise washing dishes lol) Thanks for letting me rant and vent!!!!:wink:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Thanks for all of the support and encouragement everyone. I'm feeling much better after I got some sleep and cooled down! I rearranged everything and gave him his own shelf in the pantry and frig and made it clear to the kiddos (and myself) that that was daddy's junk food shelf and that they needed to stay away from it. My daughter and I have been making up a new list and will be going shopping again today for some healthy stuff. (I just have to wait another couple of weeks to get my dishwasher fixed, which means I'll get lots of extra exercise washing dishes lol) Thanks for letting me rant and vent!!!!:wink:

    Good for you! :)

    After my first marriage, I realized that i needed to take control of my destiny. Even after getting engaged (going for marriage #2!), I have my own bank account and my fiancee & I have a joint account. I even told him he didn't need to put me on his, but I need to have my OWN account for my peace of mind. He could care less, which is great! He was reluctant about the whole "healthy" eating thing, but once I started making recipes and substituting lean ground beef & lean ground turkey, he realized that you CAN eat healthy AND be satisfied! :)

    I wish you all the luck and hope your husband comes around. :)
  • szaiko
    szaiko Posts: 4
    I know what you mean, My husband gets angry when I ask him to go to the gym with me, and feels left out when I go alone. I have heard "I'll go tomorrow" to many times to count. He eats an entire package of Oreo's in one setting. He is 100 lbs more than I do and is about 2 inches shorter than me. His chest is huge and I can see how he gets tired just from doing a normal days worth of activity. He is the strongest person I know so I know some of that weight is muscle. His father had a heart attack and that didn't stop it. I constantly hear "We don't have any food in the house" the only vegetable he will eat is corn. When I fix peas or anything else he has said, no kidding, why don't you love me anymore. In the past every time I have started to lose weight more snacks come home, my trips to the gym get over ridden with house hold demands, "The laundry is sure piling up, The kids will miss you when you go" If I do leave the kids with him ( 3 and 5) the house is such a mess when I get home its just not worth it. Its like he purposly destroys the house, lets the kids put food and toys all over just to make me pay for leaving. The entire time he says, I want you to work out, I am supportive. How do I keep our marriage happy with out sacrificing myself? My husband is impossible to please.
  • Mybetterme
    Mybetterme Posts: 80 Member
    Also healthier food is more expensive. But maybe u should do the shopping then u can get what u can eat. If he has always shopped this way he may not know what to get maybe make him a list.
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I agree with most people. Maybe he really doesnt know what he is doing is a bad thing. Have you tried to educate him or make him a list and tell him look I cant be eating all of this crap... give him a list of foods that you would like to eat.
    I see alot of people posting that healthy food is more expensive... and this is true to an extent.... in my opinion.
    It depends on what your buying... Of course if you want to make a recipe that looks like it should be served at Shay Ray.... Then yeah its expensive.... but if your just eating small simple things like chicken veggies and fruit it is not that expensive.

    Also ask him if he is trying to sabotage you... Maybe there is a reason. For instance most guys dont want their females to lose weight and get all sexy because they are afraid that they will leave them for another guy or cheat on them with someone better looking.... This thought was actually passed along by my fiance to you... because he said thats just the way guys think?
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    I went through a similar scenario. The only difference is that because I work, I'm able to buy groceries. However, he would still cook dinner and put butter in my food and he would reshop and spend more of our money on additional food that we don't need. Then, he would tempt me with it.

    Today, my husband shops at Wholefoods and reads nutrition labels. Last year, he could have been your husband. He's still not a perfect shopper, he might buy some dollar store junk with trans fat, but he has come a long, long way.

    You'll need to remind him of his vows. He promised to love, honor, He actions are not what love is about. So you need to protect yourself. I would start with counselling. I would remind him that as a husband, he is suppose to provide for me in a way that keeps me alive and healthy, if he still doesn't take me serious...I would take it a few more steps which would outrage you so I'm not going to mention it here.

    Start by asking him if he loves you. Then tell him that love is a verb, not a noun.

    Go online, reasearch, print-out and give him some evidence of what's going to happen if the health conditions are left unchecked.

    Make a grocery list with a few things you need with consideration of some things he will want too (it will take time to pull him completely to your side).

    Keep reminding him of his vows before you take the next step.

    One more thing, don't go into the bathroom and cry. Let him see your pain so that he understands how serious this is.

    Also, if his doctor is any good, The DR. will want to monitor his health very closely, especially if he is not taking his meds. If this is not happening, find a DR. who cares enough and will give your husband the stern talking to that he needs. Make those frequent visits to the dr.s office. Even consider sitting in for the first few minutes of the meeting with the dr. and express yourself to the dr. in the presence of your husband.

    Hopefully, this will scare him straight and no further steps will be necessary.
  • szaiko
    szaiko Posts: 4
    I love that, Love is a Verb, Not a Noun