When "life" gets in the way...

How do you balance a full-time job, a toddler, a husband, a house, and exercise? It's been two days in a row now that I haven't been able to work out. It seems that there is always some errand to run, laundry to do, a crisis to tend to. I'm a pretty high energy person, but I still need my sleep! I look forward to my workouts, and have been nursing busitis in my hip. I have finally gotten the go ahead from the doc to pick up the pace a bit but when??? I was running regularly, taking the baby with me outside. And everything seemed to be in balance. Now that my workouts are hit or miss, I feel like I'm all out of whack. I need to get back!!!!


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I have the same problem. I have to get up at 5am to do my workout, before work otherwise I can't :(
    Would be interested to see how other people handle/tackle the problem.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I can't do mine when my kids are awake unless my husband takes them some where. I either have to get up early and do it or wait until my toddler takes a nap and get it in then. It's hard, but I am trying to manage it!
  • szaiko
    szaiko Posts: 4
    I am in the same boat. I think the trick is to get over the guilt. (which I struggle with) I went to work out tonight after class even though my husband was home alone (he refuses to go with me - keeps saying I'll go tomorrow and at this point to preserve our relationship I'm just going to stop asking) and the kids were with Grandma for the week. So the entire drive to the gym I had this guilt, that some how working out is just for me, but its not. Its for our family. I want to be able to play and keep up with my kids. I want to do more then watch TV on weekends. So, the laundry will be there. I usually throw in a load every morning, and then switch it right before I walk out the door, leaving the clean stuff to fold later if possible. When I work out at home I use the laundry as my timer. I do cardio until the washer is finished, then switch over fold, and lift some light weights until the next load, then fold it all at the same time. (But i don't do this everyday)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    why would you need to balance a husband? cant he take care of himself..what did he marry his mother ?
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    i just posted a similiar topic a couple weeks ago. i've come to the conclusion of missing out on my sleep and setting my alarm an hour early to work out. i work 3rd shift, drop kids off at siter in morning when i get home, sleep 4-5 hours now, get a quick workout in then pick kids up. after that i can do dinner and cleaning rest of night. in other words you just have to squeeze in where you can and sometimes sacrifice . good luck!
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    xraychic77- i had to laugh at your post. sometimes I wonder.... but yes, he can take care of himself. He travels a lot for work and is only home about 3 days a week. So when he's home we try to do family time. Sometimes I work out while he watches the baby but those are usually short workouts because I like to get home to make us all dinner and stuff.

    I was able to get my workout in today. I did the 30DS while the baby walked around me and played with his toys, but he started asking for attention in the last 5 minutes or so. I picked him up and used him as weight. Then we went for a walk. Now that he's in bed, I could do more, but I'm cooked for the night. Time to wind down and relax.