

  • I vote for the 100 cal Heathly Choice Ice-Cream Fudge Bars.. I save my calories so I can have one !
  • I had to laugh when I saw these posts... I make myself a breakfast sandwich (200 cals) that I eat in the car on the way to work - since I drive about 45 minutes in. I drink water, but oh my gosh I just can't wait until lunch most days.. after lunch I seem to be fine - it's those four hours between breakfast and lunch that…
  • You can do this... and you are going to look (and feel) great !!
  • Thanks Banks ! This was really interesting and cleared up some questions.. BUMP !
  • Carrie - do it for yourself ! He'll come around when he sees the pounds coming off. Keep up the good work.
  • I weigh 155 pounds - 7 pounds away from what I weighed when I gave birth to my daughter (17 years ago).. I started using this site about a year ago and was really seeing progress (I think tracking your food/exersize is the way to go)! My mom passed away and I just went back to my old ways and gained everything back that I…
  • As a busy working girl - couldn't do it without them. When I have time to make my own (healthy) meal, I do.. but I love these things.
  • I love hearing about everyone's successes ! I joined this site back in Aug/Sept and it really helped me eat right, tracking is great... I lost nine pounds (started at 157, down to 148). My goal is 132. Then I quit coming to the site, things going on in my life, my mom passed away (which shook me to my core), and lo and…
  • I just put things in myself, using the nutrional labels. Generally we eat many of the same foods over and over.. put it in once and viola, it's there for good. I put it in the database for all to share. I appreciate this site, Mike's hard work, love the support and like the idea that we are all in this together!
  • I can tell you about a very good friend of mine who lost 88 lbs. It took her two years of tracking, she joined Curves, etc. Some weeks she would not lose even an ounce and it was so frustrating.. she might go 3 weeks without the slightest budge in that mean old scale. And then boom! she would see a few pounds in one week -…
  • Amazing what tracking your food will do !
  • I weigh every single morning (some people say yes to weighing everyday, some say no and to stick with every week). For me, it keeps me on track and motivated. And when the scale has gone down from the morning before (even a couple of ounces), it gives me a boost and a reason to stay on track. Like Skinnier-Me.. I weigh in…
    in When???? Comment by cwalbrj October 2007
  • I eat a lot of chicken (skinless/breast) - usually for dinner, and it hikes up my protein. But I am losing about a pound a week, so I think you'll be okay going over. I like the post about protein uses more calories to burn (good news!). Joanne - loved the pic of your two babies.. adorable !! I swear, I'll get around to…
  • I also use BigDane's trick of putting on something that I don't quite fit into. I bought a pair of shorts a couple of months ago, which turned out to be a good size too small. I couldn't even button those dang things! Yesterday I put them on and I could actually get the button closed. They are still too tight and they look…
  • Snacking at night?! Who can NOT snack at night - it's part of the fun of watching TV at night.. I love a Weight Watcher's fudge bar (if I want something sweet) or some mini rice-cakes (Quaker Oats) that come in kettle popcorn flavor. Like everyone else, I save my calories so I can have my snack. I've been losing each week,…
  • Yeah Eve !!! Keep it up - next thing you know it's another 3 lbs and then another 3 lbs. Soon all those other moms are going to want to know what your "secret" is... and you can lead them right here. : )
  • Started on 9/11 weighing in at 157 lbs. (I weighed 162 when I gave birth to a 7.5 lb baby)! Knowing I HAVE to do something, I got lucky and found this site and have been doing pretty good. Today I weigh 152 lbs. So I've lost 5 lbs in two weeks - not bad.. My goal is 135. (I weighed 122 when I got pregnant, but that's just…
  • Good luck Jessup! Looking forward to reading about your progress. I love this site - it is really helpful to me.
  • I don't do a cheat "day" per se, but a cheat treat or cheat meal. And even then I track it. If I know I'm going to have something that takes a lot of my calories, I just plan for it. I'll be good at breakfast and lunch, keep my calories low and then I can have my "cheat" and still fit it into my calories. And if I go a…
  • I love wine too.. and I so enjoy a nice glass of wine after working all day. But, I've learned to save it for the weekends (a girl has to splurge sometime!). I have even been known to fill up a wine glass with water, just to sip and relax.. And if I've been a good girl all day, and have enough calories left over, I'll have…
  • I like them a few times a week for lunch. I use them if I'm really craving something, like pepperoni pizza, I'll have the WW or HC version - satisfies but doesn' kill my calories. And their easy to take along to work..
  • Congrats ! Keep up the good work. Give us an idea of what your eating for your meals..
  • My favorite low-cal breakfast: toasted whole wheat english muffin (130 cals). Six slices of Deli style ham (50 cals) heated in microwave. One piece of fat-free American cheese (30 cals) . A nice and warm ham/cheese muffin. Total calories: 210. Fills me up, warms me up and keeps me full until lunchtime.
  • Every single morning! But only record my weight on Monday mornings.
  • Hi Jennifer. I love this site. I find actually tracking my food is such a help! I've only been doing it for about 10 days and I've lost 3 lbs. And feel better, because I'm really making smart choices. My goal is 23 lbs.. so 3 down, 20 to go. Good luck to you!
  • Fullerton California - which is about 5 miles north of Disneyland. I grew up in Southern California and spent summers riding my bike to the beach where I sat around in a bikini all day. MANY years later and about 30 pounds heavier, here I am trying to fit into a two piece again so as not to scare the seagulls away from the…
  • I am so there with you ! I love love love the 100 calorie snack packs. They help both my sweeth tooth and my salty/chip cravings! Definetly worth the extra money.
  • I try not to eat after 7:30. I try to eat dinner around 6:30ish, go for a 30 minute walk afterward and then do my evening chores. But I ALWAYS save my calories for my evening snack, which is usually a weight watchers or Healthy Choice ice-cream of some sort. Usually around 90-110 calories. It satisfies my nighttime sweet…