Lil' over 200 at this point.
Thanks! It's pretty relaxed right now ... I'm kind of coasting down these days, as I'm a little tired of being militant after 2 and a bit years. I eat what I cook, for the most part. I eat small portions. I treat myself often, but in small amounts. I Zumba 2 or 3 times a week and walk my dog most days. I travel a lot and I…
Thank you so much!! Honestly, the most surprisingly easy thing for me ended up being not missing fast food. I was an ADDICT in every sense of the word. But once I got used to making my own food and keeping fast food for every now and again, it ended up being not that appealing and I don't really miss it at all. Learning to…
Oh god I was just in the middle of editing my comment to say I'd read more posts and kind-of retracted. Hi. ;u;
I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post. I sense shenanigans. EDIT: Actually ... in reading through again ... maybe? Is it really Amber???? I may cry with joy and weird internet-love.
Seven, because I'm neurotic. But I only really COUNT count the one on Sunday mornings.
Nearly 200 pounds later, I'd say it works. You really do have to push yourself with it, though. I noticed the people that just fumble around and do as little as they can don't really stay on the class long. It's pretty much the only exercise I have stuck with for any length of time because it is such a ridiculous amount of…
Urgh. Judging anyone who uses the word 'slut' legitimately.
370 and 180 respectively.
An English staffy and an English bulldog, Stanley and Artie:
21. No. It really depends on the week. This and last week I have done a literal NOTHING but most weeks it is probably moderate, 3x Zumba sessions, 3x dog walks. Unstoppable, LOL.
Mainly to get skinnier than my jerk-faced 'friend'-that-I-hate. She got herself knocked up so I am working with an advantage. I am a bad person.
it is back oh thank you buttgod it has returned to me
The biggest yay ever. I loves me a lumberjack.
I have a cheat day once a week. *kanye shrug* It's workin' for me.
I have pretty much done it though! Pretty pleased with my efforts.
Dominos Mr Wedge, puff pastry no onion + sour cream + horribly ice-creamy banana smoothies + creme brulee + toastered hash browns. IF ONLY.
Finding Opie Winston in actual-person form.
In good ol' New Zealand the procedures I want would be a good $60,000 +. HENCE I'm headed to Thailand in like, 50 pounds' time. Oh yeah, when I started I was horrified at the thought of sagging skin. But now while wearing a size 12 - 14 I don't really even think about it 99% of the time. Vintage undergarments are great for…
Thanks y'all! Kitty's not quite as cute and not half as compliant these days. ;)
Yeah, I've lost 180 so far and have a reasonable amount of saggy skin. I would say it is absolutely worth it. I feel better and I am achieving goals I never thought I would. Sometimes I feel like if I knew I was going to feel just as ugly at 180 as I did at 365 I would have just stayed fat. But really I know that losing…
Yeah, at the end of the day it's kind of random. Drinking a lot of water and moisturizing should help. Toning and weight-training should help. Being young should help. But I have done these things, am 21 years of age, have lost 180 pounds and still have hang-y skin. It's not as bad as I expected, though. Only 50 pounds to…
I used to do this too. It is a pretty depressing way of living. I have my brother or man-friend or mother, depending on where I'm staying, hide the scale until Sunday morning, where I weigh myself ONCE and then it is hidden again.
365 pounds, February last year. 185 pounds, last week.
5'5" Heaviest: 165.5 kilograms, 365 pounds, February last year. Although, probably not. This was at a doctor's appointment where I am pretty sure I had already lost 10 kilograms already. It is my heaviest recorded weight. Lightest and current weight: 84.3 kilograms, 186 pounds. Goal weight: 120 to145 pounds. I'll decide…
Um, I don't mean to intrude, but could this be because feminism is constantly compared to other, incomparable causes like animal rights? That seems to be usually why that comes up and I feel it's a pretty valid complaint.
Oh, oh!! Is it about misplacing anger to human weaponry when that is entirely irrelevant to conversation and life in general? Is it?