ceganmlark Member


  • Great work! You look so much younger in your new pictures! I am in a very similar boat, if you are looking for any friends, send me an add! I started at 248, down 69lbs & working for more! :)
  • Hahaha. I keep trying to "like" each comment that was helpful, like you can on Facebook. Looks like someone is on Facebook too much!
  • Wow! Nice call.... Hmmmmm. You know, my bf is a big whiskey man. Maybe I should try switching the type of liquor. Because I usually just do Grey Goose or Kettle One. I had not even thought of that.... Ya, the link is pretty interesting!
  • Love this! Thanks. As much as I love my cracked out Monster boost, I may have to rely on my new found healthy-person energy, instead of manufactured boosts! And so true on the food. It's a fine balance between I didn't eat a whole lot, so that I can have a drink or two... and I didn't eat a whole lot so, I got wasted face…
  • That was really a great article. Exactly the type of information I was hoping to find. I am really shocked at how much it changes your body fat burning ability. And all of this may help to understand why my weight gain after drinking appears to be REAL, not just a next day bloat. Thanks. :)
  • Ahhhhh! I know! Do you have the same weight gain problems as I do? Or are you a weight loss, alcohol drinking, champion like half these other folks? lol
  • You're reading my mind! I've had to cut back soooooooo much. On events and quantities. No fun being the person that says "Thanks, but I can't eat that.... and (NOW) thanks but I can't drink that!"
  • That's the funny part. We danced for hours last Saturday... Sunday I'm up SIX pounds. I do like the drinking a bunch of water with every 1 drink idea. That might help!
  • WHAAAAT? That recipe sounds amazing. Although more calories than my regular, it would be a super tasty change!
  • Jealous about the weight loss. You get the next day, dehydrated skinny.... I get the next week bloat! Hahaha. Hmmmmm. I am seriously considering this having kids thing now... Lol.
  • So true. I had to switch to liquor with the occasional treat beer!