azjlmar123 Member


  • It Works! ultimate body wraps really really really do work.
  • Frozen fresh black cherries.... they are awesome! with or without the pit works either way.
  • Im hoping for a Coyotes win since I live in Phoenix and dont want them to relocate (not that them winning will guarantee them to stay - just might help!). I wont have any NHL around unless i want to drive to Anaheim......
  • Great job! I work the night shift too. It wreaks havoc on your body, doesnt it? Im doing p90x and will be starting a "group" for night shifters that are doing p90x so we can all get support. Feel free to friend me if you want! Congrats on your success!
  • Hey welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding! Do you work late night shift as you are awake now? LOL I work nights! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Did you work out at all today? If you work out then you wont have to beat yourself up on days that you go a little higher on calories.
  • I've been doing "cheat" sleep days for almost 3 years now. I tell ya - I really look forward to those nights of 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep!
  • I usually have lots of energy. Wednesday nights are my Fridays so I usually am most tired by this day. I have more energy than normal people - I cant do caffiene or any type of stimulants as that sends me completely over the top - cant even function and do simple things like say a complete sentence without stumbling over…
  • I work nights so for me to get 5 hours of sleep after work is a big deal for me! I am usually way more tired on days that I do weight lifting than cardio days. Thankfully I only work 4 nights a week so i can get 3 nights of LOTS of sleep to play catch up. I am doing p90x for the first time and the first couple of days…
  • Welcome! I use the ap on my smartphone a lot! When i go to a restaurant, i usually check to see what the nutrition info is on MFP before i order anything. It really makes me think of what to eat and what NOT to eat when dining out. I think my kids think im addicted to the ap! LOL
  • Absolutely awesome treat! My kids at almost the whole pan! They couldnt believe they were made with chick peas. They said they tasted like peanut butter. So glad i found these! i will have to be careful as i will want to eat the whole batch before baking them!
  • I love the pics - great inspiration! thanks!
  • I wasnt crazy about the ab ripper at first. i felt like throwing up and it also felt like a leg workout. I was used to his power 90 ab routine and also turbofire abs. I decided to give ab ripper another go. it went much better. still not a huge fan of it but i will stick it out and see how i like it beginning of next week!
  • How is your p90x coming along? Sore as heck? I felt flabby after having sunday off of not working out! LOL
  • Yeah! Thanks for posting! I'm getting excited about seeing some major results!
  • Thanks! Keep us posted!
  • hey Im in the same boat as you! I just started p90x. I live in arizona and i want to be ready for boating this summer and the water parks! LOL and this year i want to be in a bikini for the very first time EVER in my life! I know that my 90 days wont be done until June 19th but im going to give it 150% effort so that…
  • Smart and Final has a whole slew of flavorings by Torani (same as DaVinci) - just make sure you get the sugar free ones. I swear they have like 20 flavors! They also sell them at Home Goods. My walmart did not have them but i hear some people say they are there. Might just be the one by my house doesnt? I am totally…
  • Im starting it as soon as i get it in the mail! I CANT WAIT! Good luck! I plan on putting 150% into it!
  • Im almost done with week 2 of the first phase. I LOVE IT! I am pretty sore and i am taking total advantage of GO HEAVY as possible!!! Im feeling really bloated this week though. Not sure if it is from the big increase in protein intake. I currently weigh 140 and have 30% body fat according to the handheld electronic thingy…
  • Walden Farms makes a delish sugar free, fat free, zero calorie maple syrup. I drizzle some on my salmon along with a bit of spices i have in the cupboard - garlic, ginger, rosemary, etc. sounds awful but tastes yummy.
  • I am undecided on the program. I am on week 3. i feel stronger that is for sure but it is VERY basic. i could do this AND do some weights at the gym afterwards. i am thinking of scrapping it and getting big weights and doing Chalene Extreme (i already have the DVDs) or just go to the gym and follow a different program on…
  • i didnt order the deluxe kit so i will use turbofire or go to the gym to do my cardio. i am thinking of getting the 3 extra DVDs next month. do you think it will be okay if my rest day is on sunday? i have ZERO time to work out on sundays and i hope its not a big issue with the program! starting week 2 tomorrow as i wasnt…
  • i just ordered the beachbody version as well. i cant wait to give it a try! good luck on your class - im sure you will get it figured out quickly and people usually love to help out at the gym
  • Follow Bluefever (ask to be her friend). Her meal plan worked for me (i was the skinniest ever in my life). I like cardio but lifting weights is what is the trick for me to lose ANY weight. I could run 20 marathons and still be the same weight. LOL Just a thought. I have struggled with your exact situation for the last…
  • Yep im doing it and LOVE it as well! awesome product and very versatile. Get some DaVinci syrups and you can concoct just about any dessert you can come up with without any guilt. Love the stuff. I can send you a sample if you wanna try it.
  • My hubby takes a Visalus shake with him every morning on the road. Usually carrot cake or strawberry cheesecake flavored. Fills him up good!
  • I started the Visalus challenge on 1/3/2012. I do have before pictures and will be doing intermittent pics along 90 day challenge. I do not have a scale and going by inches lost only. The shakes are much better than Shakology and much cheaper and basically have the same ingredients. There is much more variety than…
  • Yep - I do an Insanity/Turbofire hybrid and it is lots of fun compared to just straight days of Insanity and its more challenging than doing just Turbofire by itself.