

  • I feel for you! I lost half a pound this week and expected it to be more. But at least you can tell that your clothes fit better and that you feel better in yourself - you have to remember that's the most important part! I can empathise with the part about needing to see the numbers go down though - it's almost as if…
  • Before I started to watch what I eat, I also really let go at the weekends. Because of jobs/other responsibilities I rarely see friends during the week, so I justified it by the weekend being my only real "socialable" time. Since I joined MFP however I know that I can't just do that - like you said, it can seem to ruin a…
  • My general day is muesli for breakfast, soup or salad (with chicken or ham) for lunch, and then dinners usually have some form of pasta/rice/potatoes in them. I'm in an office job so apart from after work activities, I'm not very active. Thanks for all your help :) I'm finding it difficult at the moment because I've been…
  • Hi! Isn't it great that everyone on here understands this - that it's more how you feel in yourself rather than the numbers on the scale! I'm the same - I'm at my 'heaviest' right now, and I'd just like to feel happy in myself again! Good luck everyone :) xx
  • Thank you! I would be interested to use something like that, a body bugg looks pretty expensive though. I will definitely up my exercise for the next couple of weeks and see if that helps, and go from there. I'm in the middle of moving house and my meals are pretty much the same at the moment because of it, hopefully once…
  • I didn't mean a dieting plateau as such, seeing as I haven't been dieting - I just meant I've been the same weight for a long time now! What's a BMR? :) x Thanks asmcriminal x