

  • OK - gotcha ! Thank you - Lindy
  • Thanks - but - one cup of lettuce for example ??? Do I find a cup which holds 240 mls and use that ? Yu see - I would normally be using ounces for weight and mls or pints for liquid -
  • Am so with you - last night I would have killed for some chocolate - Dairy Milk Wholenut to be precise ! I walked the dog, had a bath, dried my hair - all in an effort to distract myself - but the desperate need just followed me around. I have been here a week now - eaten carefully and sensibly - am usually an eat wot I…
  • Aw - I know its tough - and you want to see a bit of progress quickly - and its not happening ..... am sorry. I am in the UK - so this might not help too much - I am 65 - and use Rosemary Connelly for exercise - they are gentle - graded but do the job. I found they certainly toned me up but also - so helped my flexibility…
  • Me too - been watching for that suggestion - am 65 - fit and healthy - hoping to lose a few pounds but also eat well - have fallen into bad habits because am a snacker and a "Oh cant be bothered for me" cook ! Would be good to have a mate !
  • I so agree - is very hit and miss with GP's - and many of us hypos have been diagnosed with all kinds of other ailments - including depression - when we have a thyroid not producing enough thyroxine ! I know - been there done that ! The main problem is - when blood tests are done - the acceptable, (to a GP) result has a…
  • Hi whatever - I guess you just been diagnosed - as 25 mcg is a very small starter dose. I have been hypo for ages - presently taking 150/175 Thyroxine per day and am very well. Most people start on a small dose like you with further blood tests after 6 weeks or so - and - according to those results - it is likely your dose…
  • Hey Sitting Duck - cant help with the Thyroiditis - I thought that was an accute thing ? I am Hypo - and take Thyroxine - and after a few ups and downs are fairly stable and happy. I am not hugely overweight but have to eat fairly carefully - and am still trying to get rid of the extra weight I managed to collect in the US…
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