Bella0531 Member


  • Mei fun curry is one of my favorites! I also love house fried rice, chicken teryaki and steamed dumplings. If I don't have a lot of wiggle-room left in my day I'll get steamed shrimp & snowpeas with the sauce on the side.
  • I really like mine from Old Navy. One thing I do is buy a cup size down (I'm usually 36D, I buy 36C). This helps keep them contained really well and they don't bounce all over the place. :wink:
  • It really varies from bakery to bakery. I know some people here are saying scones, but at my old bakery ours were packed with sugar and we used heavy cream in 'em! Definitely not low calorie! Angel food cake is a good choice, especially topped with fresh fruit.
  • I use a big tote bag because I workout in the morning and shower there before going to work. Mine has: wrist wraps, inhaler, water bottle, change of clothes/shoes, flip flops, towels, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, razor, anti-frizz cream for hair, hairbrush, makeup, jewelry bag, lint roller and my cycling shoes (on…
  • I love Skinnytaste! My favorites are the Crockpot 3 Bean Turkey Chili and Lasagna Soup. YUM!
  • Usually I'll brush my teeth about an hour after dinner to curb snacking (nothing tastes good after toothpaste), but if I want something sweet after dinner I go for a 0-calorie fizzy drink. Right now I really like the diet Cape Cod dry cranberry soda. It's just what I need to take the edge off.
  • Arugula salad with a can of tuna, 75g chickpeas, salt, pepper, cumin and 4g olive oil. It was really good!! I also had a mixed berry yogurt. (under 400 cal)
  • Tuna melts are one of my favorites!! On the topic of sandwiches, I really hate rubens - they are everything I hate combined into one sandwich. Blech! Non-sandwich-foods: Love: Avocado, swordfish and runny eggs Hate: Olives, mayo and raspberries
  • Hi! I'm 32/F - my diary is open. Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like!
  • I usually look up the menu in advance, pre-log what I'll have, and adjust the rest of my day around it. If I just go and 'wing it', I'm WAY more likely to overeat and make bad choices. Pre-logging keeps me accountable!
  • Ranch-seasoned chicken thighs (4.5oz), basmati rice and a yogurt (Oikos Triple Zero is the bomb!) - all for under 500 cal.
  • I did 16:8 for a while, but didn't have a ton of luck (but, I had a little). I stopped, though, when I started working out before work. I need to have a little something before my workout, and didn't want to stop eating at 2pm.
  • I take Advair daily and also use my rescue before/during bootcamp every day (1 puff before class, 1 more before the very last exercise - which is usually something that really gets you breathing hard like sled pushes, sprints, burpees etc...). It seems to work pretty well. I spent all of last year trying to figure out how…
  • Fitness related presents: New workout clothes, a kettlebell to use at home, someone to pay my gym membership (haha)! Fitness related goals: Unassisted pull-ups, 20 push-ups in a row, lose these last 20#
  • I don't have any allergies/food sensitivities (mine are all nature/pet-related), but my husband is allergic to casein (milk protein). So, he can have butter, but no yogurt/sour cream/milk. It's not so bad...there are some great substitutes out there now.
  • Baked potatoes are never a bad idea (they're one of my favorites)! Last night I had one with broccoli, sharp cheddar and bacon. Yum!
  • My office isn't so bad, thankfully. I work at a University and since there are always so many student workers in and out of the building, any food that is in the kitchen doesn't stay there for long. These kids are bottomless pits! Haha! My old office was horrible, though! I would make a point of taking the long way around…
  • For me, it's salty foods! I can say "no" to sweets all day long, but if someone opens a bag of Fritos I'm done. They are truly my kryptonite! Snyder's cheddar cheese pretzel bits are a close second - I can't have them in the house.
  • Definitely personal preference. I used to work out in the evening, so I was OK working out without eating first since I still had some energy from lunch. But, these days I'm up at 5 for bootcamp at 6 so I find I have more energy if I grab a granola bar or banana as I'm leaving the house to get me through the workout. Then…
  • The 3-bean turkey chili from is one of my favorites! It's actually simmering away in my kitchen right now! It makes a lot and the portions are very filling!
  • I like Hood brand Calorie Countdown fat free milk. It mixes really well with my chocolate whey protein and the stats on it are perfect for me (35cal, 4carb, 0fat, 6protein)
  • Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice. I love it so much I buy it in boxes of 100 bags on Amazon a few times a year!
  • I cook on Christmas Eve for my in-laws (5 of us total). This year I'm doing boeuf bourguignon with mushrooms and pearl onions over egg noodles, green beans with shallots, crescent rolls and of course lots of Christmas cookies for dessert.
  • This is what I do. Please do not lie about a food allergy, but you could always say "Oh man, I just brushed my teeth, maybe later". Nothing tastes good after toothpaste.
  • Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri - up at 5, drive to bootcamp (eat a banana in the car), workout for an hour, drive to work (have protein shake on the way), shower at work, work 8-5, then home for chores/dinner/laying out clothes and packing a bag for the next day. Thursday - no bootcamp, up at 6:30, spin class after work. Usually an easy…
  • Have you tried GNC's egg white protein? My husband can't have dairy and uses it - I've even used some when out of my whey protein - it is quite good!
  • Just sent you a friend request!
  • Right now my goal is 150. I'll re-evaluate once I get there (at 166 now).