

  • This is all too true! Last night at the gym I had a girl who was on the treadmill in front of my elliptical who matched everyone's descriptions. She had her hair in a big floppy pony with a huge pink bow and matching pink shoes. She spent more time on her phone then focusing on her work out. Then half way through my work…
  • I started the 30DS a few months back. I was so close to completing level 1 then I got lazy and quit. Not going to lie. But, I'm even more focused and determined to tone up and lose my last 12 pounds so I think I'm going to pick it back up. I don't expect to lose much weight from the Shred but I do expect to have my clothes…
  • I have this problem too. I was told that a person gains and loses up to 5 pounds a day. I think this is normal for everyone.. but I'm not sure why. If I had to take a guess I would say its due to water weight mostly. Maybe you ate something higher in sodium?