30 Day Shred Newbies!



  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I took yesterday off because I was ill- spent the first half of the morning on the bathroom floor. Not pretty.

    It's so easy to get out of the routine! I was so close to giving myself permission to skip tonight and just do double tomorrow, but then I realized I'll be on Day 10 of Level 1, meaning a new workout tomorrow! NO MORE SIDE LUNGES! Probably something worse, lol, but I've been getting bored with Level 1, so any change is welcome.
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    Did Day 10/Level 1 last night. I'm wondering if I should stay at level 1 till I can do at least 1 complete rep of the unmodified pushups. So far I've only been able to do a max of 13 during the first rep. My form in the side lunges sucks as well. The first rep goes well but then come the 2nd rep I look like a dying fish flopping around.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Day 17: I have done it 17 days straight now although I did have a bit of a wobble on day 14 (I was so exhausted, didn't feel well at all, that I quit after 5 mins :sick: ) The amount of work in a plank position in level 2 has been killing me. I have very little upper body strength and I now wish I had pushed harder with the push-ups in level 1 (instead of sticking to the modified all the way through!) but I can see the light... I can now hold myself in plank for long enough to complete the other moves and stop when Jillian says so not when I collapse. 3 more days at level 2 then I'm moving up to level 3. I think once I have finished I will keep doing this but go back to level 1 and then change every day to the next level...

    Lost a bit more weight and another 3/4 inch off my waist. My jiggly belly doesn't bounce so much during cardio. I am really looking forward to day 30 :happy:
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Just finished Level 2, Day 1. Holy. Cow. I know I got stronger during Level 1 and I hope it happens soon with this Level. I kept whining to my TV every time she said to get back in plank position, lol.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Just finished Level 2, Day 1. Holy. Cow. I know I got stronger during Level 1 and I hope it happens soon with this Level. I kept whining to my TV every time she said to get back in plank position, lol.

    I'm on day 9 of level 2 and I still whine at the TV every time another plank exercise comes up - although I must say I can now actually hold the plank position for the duration where on day 1 of level 2 I spent most of the time lying face down on the carpet!

    Day 19: done and I can't believe I only have 1 day of level 2 left. Looking forward to something different (I think??!!)
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Tonight is Day 3 of Level 2! Definitely feeling the effects of all the planking in my shoulders. I feel like Level 2 is targeting slightly different muscle groups.

    As for this level, I've decided I hate the walking push-ups. I'm reeeeeally inflexible in my legs, so I have to bend my knees a bit to get through it. Also, the oblique twists??? My form looks the same as theirs, but I don't feel it in my abs. :(

    I haven't decided, but when I'm done with the Shred I think I might switch to No More Trouble Zones for awhile and then come back to the shred and do it 30 days through with the unmodified. I've taken it a bit easier by not doing the full moves, but I'm also trying to allow myself to have effective runs because my half is in just under 4 weeks. After that half I think I can kick it up a bit and not worry about it conflicting.

    oh, and I did the plank jacks yesterday! I couldn't the first day, but I did last night!
  • 2fabulous2Bunfit
    2fabulous2Bunfit Posts: 47 Member
    Im on day 3... I run 2 to 3.4 miles 2-3 times a week and was doing the Wii Fit exercises on the days I wasn't running. I thought this program would be super easy... I was wrong! the push ups, the squat and dumbell thing, and the slide lunge with raising the weights is incredibly difficult. Not to mention I HATE JUMPONG JACKS! I was WAY under prepared to start this program. :)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Unfortunately having to take a break from 30DS as I have picked up a shoulder injury. Really gutted as the first two weeks have had such great results
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I'm on level 3 now .. - and I love it ! I did a double workout today because I was too lazy to do it yesterday. So day 10 level 2 + day 1 level 3. And it was awkward to say that I had the feeling Level 3 was much more easier than level 2.
    I've already lost 10 inches of my belly :) & jillian is damn motivating :D but sometimes I really do want to punch her in the face for doing all the exercises & talking as if she were doing nothing!
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    -sorry doublepost-
  • caitlinrachelle_22
    I started the 30DS a few months back. I was so close to completing level 1 then I got lazy and quit. Not going to lie. But, I'm even more focused and determined to tone up and lose my last 12 pounds so I think I'm going to pick it back up. I don't expect to lose much weight from the Shred but I do expect to have my clothes fitting looser :) I will just focus on my diet more for the weight loss part! I'm excited to pick it back up.
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I definitely hope you'll have success in both ( weight loss & inch loss ) :)