

  • This is something I would love!! Dark chocolate!!!
  • OH MY GOSH!!! As many of you may know, I have a weakness for dark chocolate. One of the ladies at church last night brought me some dark chocolate candy bars from Europe. (She didn't know I had gone on this diet to lose these unwanted 18-20 pounds) Anyway, I thanked her and figured that I would just eat them in small…
  • That is awesome about being smoke free! That is an accomplishment on its own. I hope you are treating yourself to something with the money you have saved from all those cigarettes you have avoided. Congrats on the 28lbs of weight loss as well!
  • Good Morning All! I am new here, only on my 3rd day. I thought I had introduced myself already, but somehow I think I posted it to a thread already going so I thought I better come here and say hello. I am on a mission to lose weight after being on a roller coaster. I would ideally like to lose 21.2 pounds, but would be…
  • Good Morning Everyone! I have been battling with my weight since having my second child 9 years ago. I feel like I am always on a rollar coaster ride, gaining and losing all the time. Of course everyone always tells me that I don't need to lose weight and to many of you, you may think the same thing. My goal is to lose 18…