First time!

Hey everyone this is my first time really getting involved with a community like this, but I think it will be a good thing.

I'm full of a lot of momentum at this point in my life. I recently got my BA in Psychology and am now training for my very FIRST marathon. I'm super excited for this event. Which is not only for me but it benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, aiming at curing blood cancers.

I really like the way this website is set up and cant wait to get back into the groove of eating healthier! And loosing those freshmen 15 that never seemed to go away. lol.


  • inadelirium
    Hey everyone this is my first time really getting involved with a community like this, but I think it will be a good thing.

    I'm full of a lot of momentum at this point in my life. I recently got my BA in Psychology and am now training for my very FIRST marathon. I'm super excited for this event. Which is not only for me but it benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, aiming at curing blood cancers.

    I really like the way this website is set up and cant wait to get back into the groove of eating healthier! And loosing those freshmen 15 that never seemed to go away. lol.
  • Jezika
    Jezika Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family!
    Good luck with your goals! Changing your eating habits is the first step to a healthier you! And congratulations on your BA, what an accomplishment!
    Best of luck!

  • 150lbs2go
    150lbs2go Posts: 104
    Welcome to MFP! That is an awesome accomplishment - getting your BA and how fun is that training for a marathon! Have you ever done any other races (like 1/2 marathon ect)? Good luck to you and keep us updated on the marathon training!
  • happybee
    happybee Posts: 7
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I have been battling with my weight since having my second child 9 years ago. I feel like I am always on a rollar coaster ride, gaining and losing all the time. Of course everyone always tells me that I don't need to lose weight and to many of you, you may think the same thing. My goal is to lose 18 pounds. I know that doesn't sound like much as I only weigh 136.2. The issue is I am only 4' 11 3/4" tall. When I have been on the right track to lose the weight, I still have not been able to lose the baby fat in the belly region from the 65 pounds I gained with my son. If I can ever get my weight under control and stabalized between 115-118, I would love to have that area tucked.

    I think the reason I haven't been successful in the past is because I lose the motivation. I begin to see weight loss and then I will plateau. Once I plateau, I get discouraged. It doesn't help that writing a log every day was not fun. My girlfriend was just recently telling me about this site and so I thought I would give it a shot. She has really enjoyed being part of the group and said it is easy to keep track of exercise and the calories taken in and it shows immediately what is left for the day. It doesn't get any easier than that. Now, I just need a boost of motivation for exercise. My mom is getting the Wii Fit for me for Christmas but will be sending it to me as soon as she finds it. I will definitey be using that as soon as I get it.

    Good luck to everyone and if I can be helpful to anyone, please let me know.
  • inadelirium
    Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome. I have never done anything other than a small 5k which a lot of fun! I will definately keep you guys updated, I am 3 months from my race date and starting to run longer, I have 10 miles this weekend.:noway:
  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    Welcome, and good luck reaching your goals with the weight loss and the marathon!