

  • I love Honey Crisp too! But when they are not available I go for Pink Lady, Fuji or Gala. You are right about the Red Delicious, they are mushy (my husband only eats Red Delicious.) I read something about apples and don't know if it is a fact but they said that eating an apple gives you the same boost as a cup of coffee. I…
    in Apples Comment by pslwalker March 2012
  • I'm 5'4 and a5 192 I was wearing a TIGHT 14.
  • If I want to have something "not healthy" I'm going to. It's my choice. If I find that it hurts me, I'll back off. If I'm fine with my serving of potato chips (this morning) then so be it. I record everything I eat. Deprivation is far worse than an occasional slip up. But that's me, everyone is different.
  • My daughter has Just Dance 3 for the Wii. I played it with my daughter & daughter-in-law. It was tons of fun and I kicked butt! We were sweating and laughing. It is a lot of fun. I have Just Dance and Just Dance 2. I like to use those to change it up a bit.
  • I started using the C25K while on my elliptical. I use the run part to go faster and the walk part to go at a normal speed. Really helps to motivate me.
  • We have taken Romaine strips and grilled them. It doesn't take long on the grill but we drizzle Italian dressing or you can use EVOO with any spices you like. You don't need to use a lot of dressing but it is very tasty.