myntric Member


  • I completely agree and use my treadmill or exercise bike as a last resort. I'm not certain about your area, but we are fortunate to have miles and miles of developed trails around the city here, so I find it rather peaceful and motivating to head outside, put on my headphones, and track my progress using a Garmin…
  • The Celery Flats Trail in Portage is nicely paved and bike friendly. If you start by the Portage Library, it's right around 7 miles round trip on the trail, but also connects to to the Millenium Trail in Portage if you want to switch it up. If you are closer to the Kalamazoo side, the trail ends (or starts, depending on…
  • Portage area.
  • There are successes and failures. I've tried it in the past and met some wonderful people, in fact, many of which are friends today. I also met two wonderful people and had a long term relationship with both of them following my divorce many years ago. In the end, it didn't work out, but I was able to maintain a good…
  • I don't plan a frequency of cheat days and also don't allow myself a full cheat day, but a cheat meal (which I do track). This allows me to stay honest with myself and my diet (as well as eliminate any guilt) because I may go out to dinner and enjoy an appetizer and meal, but then the next week or two I'll continue to…
  • Love my PS3, although my attention span doesn't allow much more than 30 minutes or so before I get bored. Games of choice tend to be MW2, MW3 and the Uncharted series, but I just can't get wrapped into the 3rd one so I still haven't made it through. Used to be a PC gamer, but that was back in the day of the old Sierra…