

  • Back in 2010..I dropped 50 lbs in about 7 months (Started Jan 17th, and wedding was July 17th!) - Your goal is something that you can definitly achieve, but you need to set yourself up for success! I wasn't on MFP at the time, I was using WW online. I was averaging about 2 lbs lost/week. In order to do this, I needed to…
  • I am of the mind set that cheat days are important....because it can help shock your body into knowing.."hey, I am on a diet"....though I do not like the word diet...I prefer lifestyle change. I usually have 1 cheat day every couple includes ice cream, or baked chips...I avoid fast food as much as I can. I will…
  • I don't have the Shape Ups...but I have the Tone Ups...which are the sandles. I have had them for over a year and I love them! They are perfect in the summer for the long 45 min walks with the dog, and my feet are getting a tan. My hubby bought Shape ups and he loves them...though you can't really run in them :)
  • I did the drops a couple months ago, with great results. I lost 50 lbs last year on Weight Watchers, and then I resorted back to my "old habits" and gained 30 lbs back. The HCG drops were meant to help kick start my weight loss again, and I lost 20 lbs with it, and now an additional 10 on my own. There are going to be…
    in HCG Diet Comment by carmel81 August 2011
  • Thanks soo much for all your responses! It's great to know we have all been in this situation..and the meal idea's are awesome!! I need to make a posted on my wall that says "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"!!! :-)