Musicmedicine Member


  • Wow! that's amazing! Yeah, I'm only almost 20 and I am back to my 8th grade weight as well. That's such an accomplishment and it really must be a sort of revelation to you that maybe you wish you had earlier in life? We always get comfortable in our own skin but then we eventually realize how we can be healthier.
  • How many meals a day are you eating? I had the same exact problem until I started breaking meals down to a lot of small meals for the day. It raised my overall urge to eat. And try adding extra virgin olive oil into your diet. it's healthy and packed with calories... or add nuts.
  • My understanding is that your body will burn more of, say, 1500 calories divided between 6 meals than 1300 calories divided in 3 meals. It's because your metabolic rate remains higher the more times you have to digest meals. Like I said, this is my understanding, and I think it makes sense.
  • Wow... what state do you live in?? that's crazy that people treat you like that
  • I would probably suggest manually typing the calories into MFP from off of the elliptical because the machine knows the resistance settings better. Sorry if this has been said already.
  • Hi! I'm on day 5, I think. Wow, time goes by fast! Anyways, I have been struggling with my weight all my life. I tried diets because I hated exercise but they never worked. So, ever since I started college I never tried to diet. Only about 3 or 4 months ago I started exercising without dieting and I have lost over 40…