ladougg Member


  • Thanks for the recommendation. I recently discovered a healthy way to address my midnight refridgerator raids. I bought some frozen fruit (strawberries, blackberries, mango, etc) and keep it in the freezer. Then in the middle of the night when I'm craving something cold and sweet, I grab that. It's sort of like having ice…
  • That sounds delicious. Thanks for the recipe.
  • Great question. I don't drink enough water. I used to drink so much soda but over the past few weeks I gave up all sodas except an energy drink in the morning. (That's carbonated.) When I don't drink soda, my facial skin gets very smooth. I can notice in less than a week.
  • It IS wasn't even good jelly!!!! It's crazy. Update on latest binge (1/23/09): I had oatmeal before bed around 11pm. Awoke about 12:15p had a jelly sandwich. Then I had an apple followed by a can of tuna! Although I hate the binging at least this time i had a relatively healthy binge. (Whole night came to…
  • I've noticed a lot of people also mentioning the middle of the night eating binges. I have this problem too. And it has to be something sweet. The colder the better. It's frustrating because I can't seem to control myself. (Last night I ate half a jar of jelly straight of the jar with a spoon! I have no self control.) I'm…
  • I've read that the best time of day to do cardio is in the morning. As I understand it, your metabolism gets revved up and your metabolism is running at a higher level than no AM workout. Further it is my understanding that PM workouts are less effective because you don't get your metabolism really revved up until the…
  • I am a bit baffled by an almost uncontrollable urge to eat or drink something sweet in the middle of the night. Usually it's about 3am or 4am when I awake and then I can easily eat an entire carton of ice cream. (Ben & Jerry's size) I've even been eating peanut butter with a spoon. I've tried having an apple before bed but…