

  • My wife and I both had that problem for a while, but neither of us have had it lately. Don't know if it goes away as strength increases, or if it is something that we did wrong those particular times and "injured" ourselves. My advice is to let time pass if it is not too bad, and see what happens. More than a week to 10…
  • Well, being a guy who is not a medical professional, but who is married to a very athletic woman, you should have natural weight fluctuations during that time. I would recommend hiding the scale during this time to avoid any disappointment! LOL! I actually hounded my wife to stay off the scale entirely due to that fact.…
  • The best way to achieve your goals is to NOT pay too much attention to them. SERIOUSLY! You must treat this as a lifestyle change that will lead you to success, rather than try and get to a weight destination. Just get up, do it, and see where you are come October!! SOOO many people treat getting in shape as a destination,…
  • Actually, according to my wifes trainer(45 yrs old with a 6 pack a 20 yr old would kill for!!!), breakfast should be ur highest calorie meal of the day. U want to really stoke that metabolism 4 the day!! Otherwise, I eat Basic 4 cereal, 2% milk, and a glass of OJ. If u can squeeze in 2 slices of Arnold bread 100% whole…
  • If you're working out after eating breakfast, you need to eat 1/2 to 1 hr before, and breakfast should be your highest single calorie intake of the day. You also need to eat within a 1/2 hr after getting up on any day. Also, have a glass of chocolate or reduced fat milk after, along with a protein bar or something similar…