ginnym1981 Member


  • Wow you guys are so motivating!! I just posted on FB my plans in hopes to find a fellow partner (this will help tremendously!) so I'm crossing my fingers and next week is MY week!! (I'm gonna make it my b1tch!!! hahahaha)
  • "Are you going to be doing double workouts?" I am but this will be temporary....the only reason I'm wanting to do this for awhile (about 2-3 weeks) is to get myself used to an early am workout and having a CLASS to attend will keep me from hitting snooze (I hope) I have to get in some runs (prob 3 a week, 2 short/easy, 1…
  • Thanks everyone! Even if you aren't able to post suggestions-I'm gaining motivation listening to the reasons WHY you do it and how you feel afterwards!
  • Seems like liquids may be the way to go! I like room temp water so maybe I'll just set a bottled water next to my bed to drink right when I wake up, then maybe a small smoothie with milk and fruit. Thanks! I'm just worried about that boot camp and sculpting class....I can just seem myself having to do burpees and such…
  • lol, they aren't trying to sabotage you. I'm a lifetime member so I still go to the meetings for the accountability of the WI's but I'm counting calories now. Why? I got bored with counting points. It became redundant and I lost that "spark" that you get when you first start a program and are super excited/motivated. The…
  • I lose from the face down. Doomed to be pear shaped for sure!!! lol
  • While I'll say that it seems kind of silly to lose 3lbs in 3 days just to *see* the number on a scale, I must respect your choices and realize that it's your motivation and your WLJ.... That said, try eating just fruit, veggies and lean proteins. LOTS of water Avoid sugar, alcohol, carbs, and sodium. Good luck and please…