

  • In my experience you do actually adjust to feeling more full on less food. I think a huge part of that craving for more is psychological (as you mentioned, you're not really hungry, you just want more - and I feel that way often too). With that being said, I have noticed a change in my satisfaction level since I started…
  • You know what, the games the Wii Fit comes with work your muscles more than I thought they would! There is a skateboarding game that I played and it didn't FEEL like I was working muscles, but I noticed I got really hot and the next two days my thighs hurt. I think as long as you get games you enjoy, you'll play them more,…
  • Hi Erica! My name is Anna and I'm pretty new here too. I started a few days ago. So far I love this site, its been a huge help. If you have any questions about how to use it feel free to ask me. One little tip I've learned -- It seems some of the calorie content listed in the food diary database seems to vary (I assume…