lounpaul Member


  • Thanks for all your comments. Im going to try each suggestion and see what happens.
  • If you knew how much carbs I ate before you probably wouldn't think that cutting back on carbs would be a bad thing. My choice to do this is also not about a quick fix either. I appreciate your comments are well intended however people try 'different' diets for different reasons. Regardless, I'm sure I'll feel better soon…
  • Thanks for the advice! :)
  • I'm a big carb lover so trying to cut right down. I'm having PT and think my goal for carbs will be between 50-150g per day. I'm not necessarily wanting to go keto though.
  • I'm wanting to restrict the carbs quite a bit. Mainly eating them after exercise. How do you work out the protein calculation related to your body weight ?
  • I think i need to invest in one of those heart rate monitors to get a true reading lol
    in Spinning Comment by lounpaul August 2012