karen2628 Member


  • Good job on the detox! White(processed) sugar is awful for the body. I've done a few detoxes to break the sugar "lure" and other junk foods. I found if I stay away from sugar it really helped me. The moment I had a cookie, slice of cake, ice cream bar etc I found it very hard to not continue snacking on junk throughout the…
  • I started the 17 day diet today. I have several friends that have recommended it. The first cycle is restrictive so, I consider it kind of like a detox- getting rid of the bad eating habits quickly. I have 50 pounds to lose and have several health issues so a radical change to my eating will be good. From what I've read…
  • Different types of tea, Emergen-C, small Kerr jars with plain oatmeal and craisins, stevia sweetener.
  • Thanks for starting this post. I have been trying to figure out if it's worth it. I would like to know how many steps I take and the ease of use sounds wonderful. I do other activities and I don't mind logging those into MFP the walking I can't ever seem to accurately pin how much I do. I've used pedometers but they all…
  • Wow what a great post! I read through all posts and what I noticed are the people who've lost quite a bit of weight are allowing themselves to eat what they'd like. I was going to go without some things knowing that they'd be high calorie- high fat items. I'm going to really think about eating what I'd like in moderation.…
  • Good topic!! I'm looking at the Fitbit One (that's what I believe it's called). I also sit at a desk all day and I'd like to be able to accurately track how my activity has been throughout the day. I'm not looking for a heart rate monitor per say I'm looking for a device that will sync to MFP and to my I-Phone so I can…
  • Sorry to not have responded earlier I usually use my I-Phone to log etc so I didn't see this. Thank you for your reply. Congrats on making changes after your heart attack. I look at my siblings and all are obese even my eldest brother who had a heart attack a few years back. People can either take a life event and use it…