

  • I'm currently doing the 30 day paleo challenge and giving up dairy is what kept me away from it for years. I NEED milk in my coffee, and I live for cheese, but... but amazingly it's been okay. I've gone 100% strict, which I believe is easier than; "absolutely not" vs. "well... maybe... just one" But yes, sadly it's true,…
  • We'll be doing 3 running days a week, and then 1 "gym" day, which could be anything you want, as long as your bum isn't horizontal or stagnant! :) I'll post more deets here: soon!
  • I'm reading the book right now, and it looks good. True, it's the latest fad, but nothing about it seems unhealthy. Starting next week I'll be blogging my journey about it over at I've only heard good things, "I eat so much, and still lose weight," and I'm looking fwd to it, but it looks…
  • Ahh thanks guys for the comments. It's always scary putting that stuff out there! :)
  • Oh. Em. Gee!! Thank you for sharing those links!! I just went through all 3 of them and read all the amazing comments. I'm so humblred (wait... this isn't tumblr, so that joke isn't funny) humbled. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much :) xo E
  • Thank you so much :)
  • OMG Hiii! I posted a few things today - weird it didn't come up. Yea... I just needed a break from it. It sometimes gets quite overwhelming. Thank you for the nice comment. I'm always amazed people seem to relate. I seriously thought I was INSANE before I started One Twenty Five.