Paleo Diet

What do people know about the Paleo diet? Is it a fad? Is it healthly to do? I have about 50 pounds I want to lose but need a serious kick-start! :smile:


  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    bump for later..
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Not a fad, but pretty strict. I have contemplated it. The guy I work out with is a total advocate for it. He preaches it all the time to all his clients. He keeps cans of coconut and coconut flakes and nuts. He eats some other weird things. The other day I was giving him a hard time about the baby food in his garbage and he told me the sweet potato baby food is an amazing recovery after your workouts. Who knew!?!
  • OneTwentyFive
    I'm reading the book right now, and it looks good. True, it's the latest fad, but nothing about it seems unhealthy. Starting next week I'll be blogging my journey about it over at I've only heard good things, "I eat so much, and still lose weight," and I'm looking fwd to it, but it looks intense (no carbs. Sorry bread. I love you too, but it just won't work out) I know if you google/wiki paleo - lots of quick versions come up! Good luck!!
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Paleo is not "weird stuff" at all... It's mainly avoiding crap like fast foods, or doritos, or ice cream, and then it's about eating no grains and no dairy, taking into account evolutionary reasons.
    Check for info

    Not many people are strict paleo, it seems many include some dairy on their diets but do avoid crap food and gluten grains. It's my second week grain-free (never really ate crap) and I do see a difference!
  • mynameisnotlisa
    mynameisnotlisa Posts: 39 Member
    Try the vegetarian diet. :) I had tremendous success and lost over 60 pounds already. Now, I'm just trying to lose the rest.
  • larsoncd
    larsoncd Posts: 8
    I'm also on my second week of Paleo. I feel great and not too hungry. Hard to give up grains but it is well worth it, I feel great!

    Here is a great site to start with -
  • YogiGirlLucy
    YogiGirlLucy Posts: 290
    The Paleo Diet, also know as the "Caveman Diet" is big with Crossfitters. I think it's awesome. Only reason I don't do it is because I am a Vegetarian! But I think it's healthy if you eat meat. I agree it is intense if you love your carbs. Another good one is Tim Ferris' Four Hour Body -- he calls it a slow carb diet. You eat meat, but it's not as focused on meat as the Paleo. Plus you get one free day a week where you eat anything you want with this one!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am trying to eliminate refined flour and sugar but it is hard. I do find that if I can get enough protein and I am not hungry. I custom set my MFP setting for 30%/30%/40% for carbs/protein/fat and that puts my carbs and protein at 112 grams. I find it difficult to get that much protein regularly. I keep striving for 80% compliance but I like eating out and drinking...
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    As with any other diet, this works for some people and not for others. It all depends on your particular metabolism. For example, vegetarianism, as one other person suggested you try, is extremely healthy for some people. But being a vegetarian would probably kill me, because my body can't process carbs and needs a lot of protein instead. It's all about finding out what works for you. Paleo diet is as healthy as any other diet out there, possibly more healthy because it emphasizes staying away from processed & convenience foods.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    But, but, but... being paleo doesn't necessarily mean eating that much extra meat. You can focus on the veggies and fat. I do.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    I do crossfit and got into paleO through the gym. It really is a great diet to feel gratuitous and get strong but I didn't lose weight bit I lost like 6 inches almost instantly mainly from abs. Many in my gym lost a ton of weight. I highly recommend trying it and do it with people. Try the website!
  • girlonamission34
    I am on day three and I already feel so much better, not bloated and sluggish anymore!!!!!!!
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I just started Paleo last week and what I think is it isnt really a diet at all. It's more about not eating things that are bad for your health. This will naturally cause you to lose weight and be healthier overall.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    What do people know about the Paleo diet? Is it a fad? Is it healthly to do? I have about 50 pounds I want to lose but need a serious kick-start! :smile:

    It's a "fad" in the sense that people have accepted and jumped aboard despite the complete lack of scientific support for some of its more fanciful claims.

    It's NOT a fad because, regardless of whether or not it's magically better than a plain-vanilla healthy diet, it's DEFINITELY healthier than the way the average out-of-shape unhealthy person eats.

    Also any diet/lifestyle change that encourages you to stay away from heavily processed food is to be recommended, regardless of how its labeled. Avoiding processed foods doesn't mean you're "eating paleo", but if calling it that makes it easier to stick to it then by all means. :smile:
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I am not doing Paleo, but I have cut my carbs to between 50-100g per day and I see a difference. I started this two weeks ago, and I have lost 3.4 lbs. My energy is up and I am not as hungry as I was when I was eating 150g+ carbs a day. With that being said, I have to really focus on getting my calories in now. Because if I do not eat at least 1400 cal a day, my weight lost slows down.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not a fad, but pretty strict. I have contemplated it. The guy I work out with is a total advocate for it. He preaches it all the time to all his clients. He keeps cans of coconut and coconut flakes and nuts. He eats some other weird things. The other day I was giving him a hard time about the baby food in his garbage and he told me the sweet potato baby food is an amazing recovery after your workouts. Who knew!?!

    That seems very odd. Why not just eat a sweet potato?? Why baby food?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    What do people know about the Paleo diet? Is it a fad? Is it healthly to do? I have about 50 pounds I want to lose but need a serious kick-start! :smile:

    It's a "fad" in the sense that people have accepted and jumped aboard despite the complete lack of scientific support for some of its more fanciful claims.

    It's NOT a fad because, regardless of whether or not it's magically better than a plain-vanilla healthy diet, it's DEFINITELY healthier than the way the average out-of-shape unhealthy person eats.

    Also any diet/lifestyle change that encourages you to stay away from heavily processed food is to be recommended, regardless of how its labeled. Avoiding processed foods doesn't mean you're "eating paleo", but if calling it that makes it easier to stick to it then by all means. :smile:

    I like your definition except for the part about “complete lack of scientific support”. Actually there is a LOT of scientific support, it’s just the mantra of those that have an ax to grind against it. And like a lot of misleading claims if you say them enough times and loud enough people start to believe it. I would encourage you to do some research, and you will find indeed there is a ton of scientific support.

    But yes it’s a “fad” in that it’s kind of new, and people are starting to jump on board. But it works, and the science behind it has been around for a long time, so in that way it’s not a “fad”.

    How for the OP. I have been on it for about 6 months, have lost 40 pounds, and feel great, lots of energy, and other noticeable health benefits. I would encourage anyone to give it a try, read as much as you can about it, and make your own decision as to if it makes sense to you. Also feel free to come over to our little support group here on MFP at,, lots of good info there and lots of support.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    That seems very odd. Why not just eat a sweet potato?? Why baby food?

    Welcome to the world of paleo dieters, lol. Where they arbitrarily pick and choose which food groups they can and can't eat. I'm not even sure why this trainer is eating sweet potato baby food because:

    (1) Sweet potatoes are foods that should be AVOIDED on the paleo diet. (See, for example, this list excerpted from The Paleo Diet by Cordain:

    (2) Baby food was certainly not around or available for our paleolithic ancestors. :laugh:
    I like your definition except for the part about “complete lack of scientific support”. Actually there is a LOT of scientific support, it’s just the mantra of those that have an ax to grind against it. And like a lot of misleading claims if you say them enough times and loud enough people start to believe it. I would encourage you to do some research, and you will find indeed there is a ton of scientific support.

    There actually isn't, other than speculative orthorexia regarding how cavemen ate. I don't have a personal axe to grind against the diet itself, but I find the cult mentality a little ridiculous.

    If you'd like to debate the merits of the paleo diet vs. an equivalent macronutrient diet containing grains/starches I'd be happy to do so via messages. Otherwise, I'll stick by my stance that the paleo diet's claims of being BETTER by virtue of their exhaustive but haphazard food exclusion list is unfounded.

    See, for example, the person pointed out above who is "paleo" and recommends it to everyone and yet eats sweet potato baby food post-workout.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    That seems very odd. Why not just eat a sweet potato?? Why baby food?

    Welcome to the world of paleo dieters, lol. Where they arbitrarily pick and choose which food groups they can and can't eat. I'm not even sure why this trainer is eating sweet potato baby food because:

    (1) Sweet potatoes are foods that should be AVOIDED on the paleo diet. (See, for example, this list excerpted from The Paleo Diet by Cordain:

    (2) Baby food was certainly not around or available for our paleolithic ancestors. :laugh:
    I like your definition except for the part about “complete lack of scientific support”. Actually there is a LOT of scientific support, it’s just the mantra of those that have an ax to grind against it. And like a lot of misleading claims if you say them enough times and loud enough people start to believe it. I would encourage you to do some research, and you will find indeed there is a ton of scientific support.

    There actually isn't, other than speculative orthorexia regarding how cavemen ate. I don't have a personal axe to grind against the diet itself, but I find the cult mentality a little ridiculous.

    If you'd like to debate the merits of the paleo diet vs. an equivalent macronutrient diet containing grains/starches I'd be happy to do so via messages. Otherwise, I'll stick by my stance that the paleo diet's claims of being BETTER by virtue of their exhaustive but haphazard food exclusion list is unfounded.

    See, for example, the person pointed out above who is "paleo" and recommends it to everyone and yet eats sweet potato baby food post-workout.

    I am by no means an expert but there does seem to be substantial evidence that grains are detrimental to your health. Paleo is about eating what our bodies have evolved to live on. I'm not sure what list you are looking at but the basis of the "diet" from my research is cutting grains, sugar, and legumes. That doesn't seem so exhaustive to me. Sure there are some people that also cut dairy but I would imagine that is probably what many non paleo dieters do as well.

    Again, these are just my opinions formed from a few weeks of research so take it as you will.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    That seems very odd. Why not just eat a sweet potato?? Why baby food?

    Welcome to the world of paleo dieters, lol. Where they arbitrarily pick and choose which food groups they can and can't eat. I'm not even sure why this trainer is eating sweet potato baby food because:

    (1) Sweet potatoes are foods that should be AVOIDED on the paleo diet. (See, for example, this list excerpted from The Paleo Diet by Cordain:

    (2) Baby food was certainly not around or available for our paleolithic ancestors. :laugh:
    I like your definition except for the part about “complete lack of scientific support”. Actually there is a LOT of scientific support, it’s just the mantra of those that have an ax to grind against it. And like a lot of misleading claims if you say them enough times and loud enough people start to believe it. I would encourage you to do some research, and you will find indeed there is a ton of scientific support.

    There actually isn't, other than speculative orthorexia regarding how cavemen ate. I don't have a personal axe to grind against the diet itself, but I find the cult mentality a little ridiculous.

    If you'd like to debate the merits of the paleo diet vs. an equivalent macronutrient diet containing grains/starches I'd be happy to do so via messages. Otherwise, I'll stick by my stance that the paleo diet's claims of being BETTER by virtue of their exhaustive but haphazard food exclusion list is unfounded.

    See, for example, the person pointed out above who is "paleo" and recommends it to everyone and yet eats sweet potato baby food post-workout.

    Or maybe it’s because like most thinking humans we know Paleo is a guideline not a Nazi like regime where you will get kicked out of the “cult” (in your words) if you go against recommendations? You think? The science behind grains not being optimal is there, the science that sat fats are bad is faulty, the science that trans fats are bad is there, the science that red meat causes cancer is faulty. The science that cholesterol in foods cause serum cholesterol is bunk.

    What I find ridiculous is the cult like following of the food pyramid and government recommendations when ALL the credible evidence points to the opposite being true.