1985ldm Member


  • oops should have added in it was LauraJayneHaz who posted, thought that would just come up!
  • Think you're my twin! looked at your profile to see where you are, is the EN England UK or America? So many duplicate place names... I'm in Manchester, UK. feel free to add me either way :) Age: 28 Height: 5' 2.5" SW: 189 (snap!) CW: 145 GW: 120? 115? - want to get as close as possible for my wedding in august though 130…
  • hi, im 5' 2.5" and weigh 174 pounds too! (down from 189 so far...) i tend to aim to net 1200 or lower, always eat at least 1200 that way if i slip up its ok and i dont feel too bad; also i usually have a couple days a week where i eat nearer maintenance cals. if you eat the same everyday i would say 1400, thats probably…
  • hey, im one of your mfp friends, but havent been on here since christmas, when i did well but then patted myself on the back with too many takeaways... so have gained a few pounds since then. literally this week got back on the wagon, got to the point where i felt heavy, lethargic and just guilty with myself!!! after 2…
  • for waist inches to come off you should do waist exercises - i did hula hoop on wii fit for a couple weeks and saw a big difference. and waist twists. and then theres general stuff like yoga and walking. anything that uses core muscles should help too!
  • my jeans which i got at my heaviest started getting a bit too loose - i chucked them in the tumble dryer and shrunk them a bit, now they fit :) i guess once youve tried any tricks to make them fit is when they should go. unless youre planning on gaining back that weight... :P
  • i like wii fit plus. its a good dvd to start with, the yoga was really helpful for breathing during exercise and flexibility. muscle exercises made me feel strong. built up the cardio, and now i can do over an hour of wii fit stuff, ive start doing wii zumba. still hard work for me on beginner for 20 minutes - think it…
  • wow! youve got your face shape back :) hope youre proud, you should be
  • that is amazing. you must have great strength and perseverence! glad youre making the most of your hard work :)
  • hi, im 25, from edinburgh , about to move down to manchester. i have quite a bit more than you to lose, but do understand what its like to lose then gain, lose a bit gain a lot.... mfp has been fab so far, hope you like it!
  • think the standard measure is 250ml? thats what i go by anyway
  • if youve started exercising, youll be putting on muscle, which weighs more than fat. happened with me too, as i felt more toned i put on a little, now i think i might lose some. drinking plenty water is a good plan too. stops you feeling hungry when youre actually thirsty!
  • Hey, i joined MFP a couple weeks ago, no weight loss yet but have had lots of birthdays weddings etc so wanted to maintain for a bit. im moving down south in september, and am slowly aiming to get back down to a size 12 ish (last happened in 2003!) know how it feels for life to get in the way, you sound pretty positive…